Omg I think our queen made that the spiciest one yet!!!! My top has changed colour lol!
I wear a heart rate monitor around my chest, over 500 calories burned and I was red zoned flat out - heart rate at 95% maximum effort... not sure how that wasn't a cardiac arrest 😂😂
Also shoutout to my besties @Chloe Mitchell & @Zoe Cummings that I've recruited to the Queendom! Absolutely smashed their first QDQ workouts... we are missing our night outs on the dance floor so this is the next best thing 💕
Tuesday DONE!!! 🔥

@Beth Haughian omg Beth, I died a little, I honesty had the shittiest day ever, was feeling so moody and then in the workout I was like, is this high energy?? Am I really pushing hard?? I was so confused with the crampage also, but according to my watch to I was freaking smashing the workout... im still on floor lol .. himself best make me a fajita bowl pronto ..
@Maeve Madden well it certainly didn't come across like it from our end... you never stopped! 🙌🏻 Sometimes I find though the workouts you don't feel like doing are the best. You feel like you're slacking so you push yourself that little bit extra and then next thing the heart is flying out of your chest lol you never disappoint!! 💕
I must say it's my time of the month too but I'm very blessed in that I don't get so much as a cramp never mind anything some people go through, just a little bloat but I can live with that! Women are so strong 💪🏻👑
Omg sounds amazing. Does himself do deliveries? I'm in Lurgan it's only a short flight away 😂 Enjoy... it's well earned🍴
I just caught up on combat queens, a workout was the last thing I wanted to do this eve but so glad I did it! It was the first time I got through all the intermediate ab moves (i usually get a pain in my back), delighted with myself! 😌
@Beth Haughian oh it was a tough one! I really felt it today and the only reason I got off the floor afterward was because the dinner was on the table 😂😂 Got an absolutely fabulous burn, I think I made life difficult for myself going straight from spicy Circuits into combat queens but we got there 😂💪🏻 Feeling so strong this week 🔥👑 You're looking fabulous queen x

@Niamh Byrne oh I agree I almost crawled to the kitchen 😂 I think you did too but what an achievement!!! 🔥🔥 Always worth it once it's done. Thank you lovely... you are glowing! That extra lasso in cotton eyed Joe makes us glow 🤣
@Catherine Lavin amazing Catherine!!! Smashing it 🙌🏻🔥💕
@Beth Haughian @Maeve Madden @Niamh Byrne omg Queens that was frikken amazing from start to finish. I loved every bit of that. I was screaming when HERO came ON, that my lads came running in thinking I had broken some part of me 😂😂😂 & best yet they stayed & danced it out. LOVED IT. Going mad I didn't record them. 😅. Thanks a mil Maeve. C u all on the QDQ dance floor. 👑 👑 👑 ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Ahhhhh queens, this sounds like the best workout of all time!!!! So happy you all nailed it and loved it!!!! Gutted I can't do it at the mo but sooo happy you're all so happy - the happiness and buzz is shining through the screen!!!!
Whooop Whoop 🙌 👑💥🌶
@Beth Haughian my hair badly needs a wash after it but figured I might be able to stretch it out until tomorrow because Thursday will be my rest day 😂😂 oh that lasso really gets me going the extra bit I think 😂😂 I think I'll sleep well tonight anyways 😂😂
@Audrey Browne Audrey the same thing happened me I let out a wee shout and my dad came running in thinking I'd fallen or something 😂😂 it was such a fabulous workout, one of my favourites so far I think and definitely the toughest combat queens we've done but we all survived 💪🏻💪🏻👑👑❤️❤️❤️
@Katie Rynne aw it was a fabulous workout, I defin Would recommend it if you get a chance later in the week queen 👑 feel fantastic after it and will definitely be getting to sleep quickly tonight after it 😂👑
@Niamh Byrne omg I am definitely in the same boat... the hair washing schedule is just so difficult these days 😂😂
@Katie Rynne Aww thanks Katie!! Hopefully you're recovered soon and you can catch up. Definitely one to keep note off... off the scale 🔥😂
@Niamh Byrne omg I can not believe you did those two classes back to back, that is major Queen vibes, I would have died....
@Maeve Madden it was definitely a struggle towards the end of combat when I could smell dinner in the kitchen but queens don't quit and even though I had to crawl to the shower I felt amazing afterwards and slept like a baby last night 🙌🏻👑
@Beth Haughian absolutely loved Combat last night too - definitely the toughest yet. The core section with the bond girl followed by claps was total FIRE as well. My middle was crying.
@Steph Archer omg definitely!! I know that Bond girls usually kill but I didn't think they wipe out my abs like that 😂😂
I just love these workouts. I love the banter. I love how strong I'm feeling.
Literally love how strong I'm feeling! Amazing!