Hey Queens! Are we all excited for the Festival on Sunday? I literally cannot wait for a full day of QDQ it's going to be fabulous! 👑 I've made sure all my active wear has been washed and I've been planning what outfits to wear for each section of the day - I may not be leaving the house but damn right I'm making an effort 😂 I've even printed off the itinerary I'm that excited! Looking forward to seeing you all there 👑💕

My god you are super organised for it 😀
I'm working this weekend so I'm doing it catch up on Monday. I am so excited for it 🙌😍
@Georgie Dillon I was so wishing I had a printer earlier today so I could print off the itinerary too. I'm most looking forward to cooking breakfast with Jodie after the first workout, that will be so fun! I got all my ingredients today 😋 I won't be able to take part in the full day, but will definitely catch up with things I've missed on Monday. It's so fun that we have this to look forward to! xxx
@Georgie Dillon You're so organised georgie! Never thought of printing out the schedule here I was writing the whole thing out lol! Also forgot to wash my gym gear today so it is a must to wash tomorrow, must write a wee note for myself because I'll be doing it in my underwear if I forget tomorroe lol!
I'm so so excited, this is the first thing I've had to look forward to in months and I just cannot wait for a feel good, fitness and self care Sunday with all the queens xx
@Georgie Dillon oh my god I so need to do this, thanks 4 idea queen!!!!! I'm so excited!+!!!!! Gonna do my shop 2mro too..... eeeek , I'm literally like a child at Xmas 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@Emer Hurley Aww thank you Queen, I do like to be organised 😊 Ooo how exciting! I hope you love every minute of it when you catch up on Monday 🙌 xx
@Ailbhe Kelly-Miller Ahh what a nightmare! Ooo yes I'm so looking forward to cooking up a delicious meal with Jodie and fuelling up for the day! Oh amazing, I'm getting the last few bits tomorrow 😋 Aww isn't just amazing!? We finally have something to put in the diary and look forward to! I hope you love every minute of it when you catch up on Monday 👑 xxx
@Niamh Byrne Me neither at first I was thinking of writing it out too and then I thought to myself "what am I doing here, why don't I just print it?" 😂 Oh Niamh that did make me laugh! Definitely write yourself that note 😂
Me too, I honestly can't wait! So amazing to have something planned to look forward to 🤗 Oh I love that, what a fabulous way to sum up the day! 👑 xx
@Carmel Mulvany Oh you're more than welcome Carmel!! I love having a physical copy of things and also a lovely thing to keep and look back on 🤗 Eeek me too, got the last few bits to pick up tomorrow and I am ready to go! I literally love how excited we all are, definitely like a child at Christmas indeed 🤣🤣
@Georgie Dillon its gonna be so much fun!!!! 😍😍🥰🥰
Has Maeve's morning class changed? Says circuits now, I thought it was combat queens?
Love the organisation Georgie - very impressive. I have the laundry going now and am trying to think up some bits I can pre-cook for quick lunch/snacks. So looking forward to a full day of Queening!
I'm gutted! Went to buy a ticket today (was back in work this week in person - teacher!) as I didn't manage to do it during the week with everything going on and parent teacher meeting prep etc. and just see they are sold out and they stopped sales yesterday!! 😭 My own fault but I am gutted! Hope you all have the best time - so jelous! Ill have to stalk the insta stories! x
So excited! Might even put tan on for the occasion😂 See ye tomorrow 🎉
@Chantelle Plunkett oh nooooo !!! 😓😓
@Rebecca Mulcahy me too.... d only 2 times I've tanned in this lockdown is for QDQ.... BURLESQUE AND FESTIVAL 🤣🤣🤣
@Chantelle Plunkett I feel your pain .. done the exact same thing 🤦🏻♀️
@Chantelle Plunkett aw no Chantelle! Exact same thing happened one of my friends who wanted to join in she didn't have money until yesterday and they were all gone. Gutted 😞
@Carmel Mulvany fantastic love that ! i'm gonna put on bit of makeup 💄 😂xx
@Georgie Dillon fantastic idea ! i'm turning printer on now 🤩see you bright an early xx