Hey Queens,
Can you believe we completed 10 weeks of the challenge together? It's absolutely flown past.
So I wasn't sure if I was going to even take my after pictures, my IBS has been flaring up the past few weeks and I feel a bit tender swollen but then I thought you know what I was feeling a bit better today so got my mum to take my after pictures initially just for my own eyes. I was always conscious of the little bit of weight I always carry just under my belly button but it's something over the last 10 weeks that I've managed to accept along with so many other parts of my body that I hated and now love 🥰 it feels weird as an Irish person giving yourself compliments but I've never felt better.
As some queens might know I couldn't finish the Christmas challenge because my knee was at me so when the first picture here was taken on the 6th of January I hadn't properly worked out since November, I'd finished exams and obviously it was just after Christmas too so I was feeling pretty crap with myself. The second pictures were taken today, feeling fitter, stronger and more confident than I've ever been all thanks to the queens. Something inside me on week 1 of this challenge said "Niamh you're going to absolutely smash this and push yourself to 110% every workout" and I feel like I did. Some days my 110% wasn't as intense but that's just life but we power through.
I'm so proud of myself, I felt disgusting in the first photos but I feel amazing now and I just can't believe how unkind I was being to myself at times. QDQ has not only showed me that I can love exercise but also that I can love myself no matter what and that's the best kind of transformation for me 🥰❤️
We did it queens 👑💕 Be proud of yourself no matter what your journey is ❤️☺️X
I feel like I'm posting this also because my boyfriend asked me was my Instagram story photoshopped after the workout this morning which it most definitely was not but it gave me a wee confidence boost 😂 (you can tell he hasn't seen me in a while 😂)

@Niamh Byrne you look fantastic Niamh and definitely stronger! What's most important though is your mental transformation - when you say how unkind you were to yourself and how confident you feel now. I have been there, and you know what, I might even go back to that stage in the future. Whats important is that I will recognise that that's not me and I will have the power and confidence to make a change, whenever I want to. One thing that this challenge has thought me is that if you aren't going to do it then nobody will do it for you. And you know it will be hard but it will be worth it. We deserve to feel good, we deserve to shine, we deserve to be the best version of ourselves - whatever form/shape/size/weight that is. It doesn't matter if you are not there yet (I am certainly not!) but your positive thinking will give you energy, strength and power to go through it.
Well done queen, to the next challenge now!!
@Niamh Byrne Amazing you look fabulous!! It's definitely the mential change that makes all the difference isn't it? Like freedom!
Well done you xx
@Niamh Byrne Oh my goodness Niamh, you have come such a long way!!!! Firstly i think you look amazing in the 1st pics . . . . What a body honey!!! Secondly you have done some serious toning and you look absolutely super!!!!
I have become a dear friend and are such a kind and caring person!!! Huge congrats queen, im so proud of you and what you have acheived!!!! You smashed this challenge out the park!!!! xxx
Fab before and fab after!!! Your commitment and dedication is second to none 🙌🏻 You deserve every single succes... not just on your fitness journey but in everything in life. Omg we have had so much fun so far!!! Can't wait to have lots more banter with you 🥰❤️❤️
@Valeria Bisordi Aw Valeria you are oh so kind! Couldn't agree more with everything you've said, after QDQ I feel like if I do get knocked down I'll definitely be able to have the confidence to bouce back! Thanks so much queen xx
Looking great Niamh!! Well done 👏🏻 xxx
@Pamela King Thank you Pamela! Honestly there's been such a shift in my mood over the past 10 weeks, even though I'm still stressed about college I feel like I'm able to cope with it a lot better and I just give myself more credit now instead of putting myself down all the time! x
@Carmel Mulvany Aw Carmel you are always ever so kind and you just brighten my day 💛 Thank you so much! Can't wait to keep smashing it with you and all the queens x
@Beth Haughian Aw Beth thank you so much! I love having the craic on the lives honestly you make me lugh so much 😂❤️ Can't wait to keep going with 75% working out and 25% craic!!
@Siobhan Buller Thank you Siobhan xx
@Niamh Byrne Whooo you go queen!! You should be so proud of yourself for all the hard work you put in and roll on the next challenge xx
@Niamh Byrne amazing Niamh well done!
@Niamh Byrne Niamh you did amazing girl especially recovering from injury - you've been so consistent and social and have loved the craic x well done hun x
@Niamh Byrne You are such an inspiration sweet girl 💗 you look AMAZING!!!! Sooo proud of you!! Xx
Amazing Niamh! Both physically and mentally! 100% an Irish thing it's ingrained in you not to say positive things about yourself but how mad is that, so be proud of your achievements and how hard you've worked. You look fab!
@Niamh Byrne well done Niamh, never put yourself down or feel ' disgusting' you're a beautiful queen, inside & out xx
@Alana Moore Thank you so much Alana! So ready for the next one already 🥰
@Louise Roche thank you queen 👑💛x
@Vicky Baker aw I do love the craic 😂 thanks so much Vicky, you have been amazing too! And such an amazing support 🥰❤️