Amazing what can be achieved with the help of @Maeve Madden and her team at queens don't quit!
it's not even the physical change that I can't believe but also the mental change to how I look at myself, exercise and relationship with food! I've never felt better and cannot wait for the next challenge!
The first and second picture is my progress over the 10 week challenge and the third picture is my progress from when I started QDD back inthe first lockdown of March 2020. Looking at this makes me so proud!

@Louise McEntee amazing queen! You look absolutely fantastic and I bet you're feeling faltastic too! abs very proud of yourself!
love the painting by the way!!!
@Louise McEntee woow queen, huge congrats, that's 1 serious transformation!!!! You must be so proud!!! Xxxx p.s I love the painting...... girl power my queen!!!!
You should be SO proud! Congrats queen, that is an amazing transformation.
@Louise McEntee massive well done you look amazing! 💕👑👏
@Louise McEntee Queen, well done u. U should be so proud with ur amazing results. U must b over the moon. U r killing it. Very pleased for u Louise. 💖💖💖👑👑👑❤️❤️❤️
@Louise McEntee Unreal Louise thats fantastic girl x so thrilled for you and how you feel about yourself xx
Thanks girls for all the comments! Such a great community ❤️❤️
@Louise McEntee So very happy for you! You look wonderful! Plus the mental change you mentioned is such a huge accomplishment!!