The 4th of January will now forever be my favourite date as that was the date I joined QDQ and been accepted into such a loving, supportive group of fellow Queens 👸.
The picture on the right was taken on the 1st of Feb, feeling really down, anxious and really unhappy with my physical appearance and just really down on myself and really negative on myself constantly!
I started doing 5 workouts a week, stopped overthinking and pressuring myself to "loose weight" and realised I was getting fitter, I was getting toned but my mental health did a complete 180 🥰. Instead of being negative on myself I was becoming way more positive and encouraged myself and realised at one point "I look unreal!" 🤣 almost grew an obsession with my perky peach 🍑 🤣.
This picture I took this morning and it was a real case of "I feel good today!" 🙈. With being back at work I'm down to doing 3 workouts for the moment until I get my flow back, thank you for all the support and I love you queens! 💕💕