Hi Queens a bit of advice please if poss. Should I continue to do classes while sore from a previous class?
I'm sore from a workout Tuesday so just had a walk yesterday but planned on doing a class today. Need to for the challenge but don't want to make things twice as bad. Any suggestions? Was thinking of a bare ballet or yoga/Pilates to stretch myself out 🤔.
thanks Queens x❤️
It depends if you're sore from working your muscles or sore from pulling something. If it's just DOMS (soreness from exercise) doing another class might actually help loosen you out. I find soreness on Day 2 is generally the worst! But if you think it's something else then listen to your body. I've started taking magnesium and found it helps a little with the soreness.
Agree with Fiona. Sometimes the workout really helps to work through the soreness as your muscles warm up and stretch. Or do a workout that doesnt use whatever part of your body is sore so if its arms do a lower body workout etc. Just listen to your body though the last thing you want to do is too much and cause yourself an injury. Maybe try a yoga or stretching class for the library to ease out the muscles and a warm bath. And make sure you are getting plenty of water and sleep as both are essential for recovery.
I find soreness/DOMS is always worse if Ive been inactive for a period, but the more regularly I'm doing classes and moving the less sore I tend to be!
One NOT very scientific way I think of it is that if the soreness is sort of the same burn one gets during the class,its just your normal doms - but if its a sharp pain in one targetted area (particularly if its unbalanced like, one calf or one side of your back) then it might be best to rest.
Thank you ladies for ur advice. I'll get back into the groove with another class. 👍🏼