As we celebrate the 3rd birthday of our Queens Don’t Quit App, we wanted to ask our members how being a part of this community has helped or changed their lives. Orlaith, Ashling and Emily have shared their stories with us.
Orlaith, 29, full-time chef and Queen's Don't Quit Member:
Orlaith joined Queens Don’t Quit back in 2021 during the Pandemic.
“I had just lost my job and was feeling so lost. I saw a story on Instagram from someone recommending Queens Don’t Quit and Maeve and thats how I began my QDQ journey.
I did a lot of the live workouts on Instagram and instantly fell in love with the positive energy, motivation and the fun of it all. When I heard Shania Twain’s ‘I feel like a Woman’ I knew I had to join the app.
Queens Don’t Quit has changed my life for the better 100%, both physically and mentally. I have learned to love myself more and I have improved my outlook on life and on fitness.
My favourite thing about Queens Don't Quit is the community and the friendships I have made. The way everyone looks out for each other is next level. It’s a safe space to be yourself and be around other fab queens!”
Ashling, 32, working full-time and planning a wedding + Queens Don't Quit Member:
“I first started QDQ right back at the beginning in 2020 when I was living in Dubai and cracking up during lockdown. I continued with the QDQ journey and subscribed when the app launched. I moved back to Ireland in autumn 2020 and the classes, craic and community kept me sane, especially during my long distance relationship with my bf (now fiancé).
It’s hard to articulate how Queen’s Don’t Quit has changed/improved my life but it definitely has. Physically I feel stronger, fitter and more confident. Mentally too, I have noticed that I feel stronger. People have commented on the change in my shape and I’ve noticed on hikes etc that I am much stronger and have better stamina.
My favourite thing about the app is the ease of use! You can literally fit in a workout anywhere, anytime. The option to catch up is fantastic and I also love how I now know the ‘routines’ and certain songs will remind me of classes. The chats before and after the classes are always great craic and it’s always nice to hear how others are finding the classes!

Emily, 24, full-time worker & Queens Don't Quit Member:
I joined Queens Don’t Quit because it was recommended to me and straight away I just fell in love with it. Even when you open the app and everything is pink and purple, that's just very me!
I love the variation of workouts available. The HIIT and strength and all the others! I’m in my garage thinking I'm a professional dancer during the dance classes but I also love yoga, mobility and stretching and just to have your own space to look after and care for yourself.
I hadn’t loved exercise up until the last couple of years and now I'm at my fittest I’ve ever been. I can see muscle definition and I’m like wow this actually makes a difference. I definitely recommend everyone get on QDQ and workout with a community with amazing vibes!”