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We're Halfway Through Our Fall Back Into Fitness Challenge! This is How Our Queens Are Feeling

We are officially halfway through our “Fall Back into Fitness Challenge”and motivation is at an all time high! This is our longest and hardest challenge yet and we are hearing so much amazing feedback about how our classes and community are inspiring and helping our queens to create their healthy lifestyle. We reached out to our queens to see how the challenge is going for them! 


Emily has been a Queens Don’t Quit member for quite some time now and is an active participant of our QDQ challenges. She also works full time but still manages to get her workouts in and take some time for herself during her busy schedule! Here's what Emily had to say about our current challenge: “I’m loving the current challenge because it's making me feel so motivated for fitness even though it's going to be coming in to the colder months! Also loving using my new QDQ water bottle in my workouts. It keeps me hydrated and also more motivated!”


Carol has been a QDQ member since day 1, an OG Queen and is an active participant of our QDQ challenges and community. Here's what Carol had to say about our her QDQ experience: "I've been queening since may 2020! And it's been the biggest part of my life since. It got me through some very personal tough times back then and has been in my life ever since. I've made friends for life, people I speak with everyday. People I know will always be there for me and people I'm so happy to have been part of their journey. I was awarded a 20 year service pin at work this week and the CEO said look back at what you've achieved in the last 20 years not only at work but in your personal life. And in those years I've been engaged, married, purchased 2 homes, had two kids and god only knows what else but the last 3 years since joining QDQ have been for me! At 42 l'm the fittest and healthiest l've ever been. I'm not always motivated and I may not always give 100 but I have never given up! Challenge after challenge we have improved. I've loved them all for different reasons. This by far I feel is my strongest and exercise is a lifestyle choice for me now. I don't compare myself to others as that would only take from my progress and happiness. I'm on my journey and happy to support others on theirs! And that's what QDQ means to me. Forever grateful."


Eva joined Queens Don’t Quit in 2021 and has never looked back since. Here’s what Eva has to say about our challenge; "I joined QDQ in March 21, loving the community spirit and it reignited my love for exercise. I watched other girls lifting heavier and heavier weights, listened to trainers on the benefits of weight training as we grow older and this inspired me to give it a go myself. I’m hooked! I couldn't see how I could possibly fit in my weight training with my QDQ classes but this challenge opened my eyes - of course I could with the huge selection of classes varying in duration. It's so easy to fit them in, longer classes on my non weights days, shorter ones on the days I'm lifting weights. I am loving the variety, trying new ones, incorporating the stretch mobility into my cool downs and always in the back ground the squad of cheerleaders from the QDQ community cheering me on and helping me be accountable! This makes me sound as if I'm stacked with all the weight lifting, I'm definitely not - just hurtling through my 40s trying to keep moving”

We are constantly blown away by the progress made by our queens both mentally and physically. This has been our biggest and longest challenge to date and we are so proud of everyone taking part and creating a healthy and sustainable exercise routine that will continue long after our challenge finishes on October 31.

