Hey ladies,
Not sure about anyone else but I feel like I've been in a bit of a funk the past few days, just finished this mornings workout and even though I feel a bit better I don't feel the endorphins running as much as usual! Haven't been sleeping great with college stress so think that might be something to do with it 😴
Just before my workout today my favourite shorts ripped when I went to put them on and I think that was just the final straw for me but still didn't give up on the workout, the hormones are definitely flying about this week 😅
Just wanted to check in and see how you queens are doing, I've noticed some queens that are usually quite active haven't been and just wanted to say I'm sending lots of love to everyone ❤️
I think with it being a year in lockdown and with rumours of extending lockdowns in Ireland I've personally been finding the last week or two tough. I'm sending everyone so much love and maybe if you need a rant you can pop it on the thread here and we can all support each other ❤️ I'm always just a message away if anyone needs a shoulder to lean on, it could be just me with my hormones this week but I think it's been tough 💕 lots and lots of love queens xx