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First Day of the Challenge | MaeveMadden

First Day of the Challenge

  • So happy and excited to be starting the Summer Queen Challenge today and can't wait to see where the QDQ journey continues to take me. 
    I can't wait to be stronger, healthier, and more confident in the next coming months.

    I did the Sculpt and Sweat workout with Maeve today and let me tell you 🥵 🔥 I think Maeve was trying to kill me 😂 but also loved the new songs especially S&M!

    I am so excited to get back to a routine of working out and being healthy that I had to take a sweaty selfie (plus I got a new workout outfit and had to share). 👑

    Can't wait to see everyone journey!

  • Love the workout outfit!!

    I did Sculpt and Sweat this morning as well and I can already feel it in my legs, I agree - there was one point in 'Run it' where I thought she was trying to kill me too! 🌶

    Good luck with the rest of the week :) 

  • @Brittany Yeaton Love the new outfit! Pure bang of summer of it! I see those abs coming through too!!! 

    New songs are great, loving the variety! Maeve keeping us on our toes! 


  • @Brittany Yeaton Oh I love the new outfit Queen, looking fabulous! 💃 So excited for another Challenege here at QDQ! Sculpt and Sweat was so spicy and the new songs were just fabulous! 🔥

    Enjoy the rest of the week Queen! 👑

  • You look great in your new outfit. I did the sculpt and sweat yesterday and also some of the barre ballet and today I can hardly walk and omg sitting on the toilet is agony 😅😅

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