Hey girls
Absolutely loved the last 6 weeks - honestly I can't believe the time flew by so much. I think it helped me in terms of focus and a reason to get going each day - i tend to get complacent at the end of the summer as its changing to the darker mornings and evenings but I'm so thrilled i stuck with it and saw it through. I am now feeing strong and positive coming into one of my fave times of the year - Christmas :):)
It was fab getting to know so many new queens also and loving seeing the determination and progression of us all.
I didn't do before and after pics for this challenge as i feel over time my body has adapted to the activity levels but where i saw progression was in my weights and reps. I am using 10kgs for the single arm rows and have progressed to using a barbell for deadlifts and definitely feeling the benefit of being stronger.
I've loved the lighter sessions this week and I am excited for the next few weeks leading into Christmas.
My pics this time are a round up of the 6 wks, the craic was great and the chats and support as always was top class. Reminding each other to set our clocks for the early bird classes and getting through with a smile each time xx