Well, I am insanely excited about this new challenge and this time I am actually going to complete it!!!
I think I have started every challenge but by the 3rd/4th week my life gets so hectic, I fall out of routine, I'm sick or I think I'm sick, a crazy event happens, basically the universe is a bitch sometimes. But this time I am determined. I have so many things coming up this year that I want to feel/look/be my best. I am defending my PhD (I keep saying I'm almost done but this time! I AM ALMOST DONE!), my brother is getting married, my best friend is getting married (not to each other), I have a family reunion in the motherland of Ireland in July! And I would not be opposed to meeting some queens when I'm across the pond!
So with all of this, I thought I'm going to actually commit. Hands down commit. Writing here often to keep myself motivated, logging all of my achievements, and just feeling the vibes of all of the queens! So Here. We. Go!!!
Let's Go Girls!