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Kindness Starts With You

This Monday we celebrated World Kindness Day; a day where we acknowledged the importance of being kind to both ourselves & others. Let's flip the usual script and talk about the queen concept of being kind to yourself. Yep, you heard it right—self-kindness. In the midst of spreading good vibes to others, it's crucial to remember that you're part of the equation too. Here's why treating yourself with kindness is not just important but absolutely essential:

  • Fueling Your Inner Glow:

Imagine yourself as a lantern. Kindness is the fuel that keeps your inner glow alive. When you treat yourself with kindness, you're replenishing that fuel, ensuring your light shines even brighter. It's not about being self-indulgent; it's about acknowledging your worth and allowing yourself to bask in the warmth of self-love. After all, a well-lit lantern has the power to illuminate the darkest corners.

  • Nurturing Resilience:

Life is a rollercoaster, and sometimes it throws unexpected twists our way. When you're kind to yourself, it's like building a cushion of resilience. You become your own anchor, offering understanding and support in challenging times. Instead of being your own worst critic, you become your most compassionate cheerleader. It's the kind of resilience that helps you bounce back, stronger and more resilient than ever.

  • Creating a Positive Ripple Effect:

Here's the secret: the way you treat yourself sets the tone for how others treat you. When you prioritise self-kindness, you're sending a powerful message to the world. You become a magnet for positive energy, attracting kindness and respect from others. It's a ripple effect that starts with you, extending far beyond as you radiate the kindness you've cultivated within. Do you think a Queen would ever speak negatively to herself?

So, as we celebrate kindness this week, let's not forget the person who deserves it the most—you! Be your own best friend, your own source of comfort, and your own fount of kindness. Your relationship with yourself will always be the foundation. Embrace it, nurture it, and watch as your kindness not only transforms your world but leaves a lasting mark on the world around you. 

You got this Queens! 

