Hi, I was just wondering if Maeve or anyone here can recommend a good brand for resistance bands? I bought some off Amazon last week, they were actually labelled as Amazon's Choice, however they kept rolling up into a thin line and then digging into my legs during the exercises (as if I needed any more pain haha) the bands Maeve use look fab, just wondered if anyone can recommend any good brands? Thanks
@Eriu McQuaid my bands do the exact same, always fighting with mine 😂 i am holding out buying a replacement though because Meave is bringing out Team Queen bands im pretty sure so was waiting for that!!x
Totally waiting for the queens, other ones I got a so bad!!!!
Thank god its not just me haha i heard Maeve talking about releasing her own bands next week!! Living for that!! 😍
@Eriu McQuaid I ordered the medium resitance band from the site AYBL. I also own some leggings from them and they are fab! My friend uses the same band as me and my sister has the higher resitance, would really recommend!
@Catriona Conboy thanks queen, must check them out