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Schedule? | MaeveMadden


  • I've rejoined after a month away (I was back in the office with a long commute so doing the IG workouts when I had a chance. Now back to wfh) - slightly confused about what the current schedule is and rest days? Is there a class today? I can't see anything in the library from this morning. Thanks!x

  • Hey Jill,

    This week's schedule is up on the live workout page u just scroll down and it's right above the live workout video. There was lottie's abs attack class this morning at 9:30am (it's probably still up on the live workout page) and then Maeve is doing perky peach class tomorrow morning at 9:30am 😊 also the new rest day is Wednesday (but there's the option of yoga at 6pm every second week I think) 😊

  • Fantastic. Thanks so much Leona! 

  • @Jill Bradley welcome back Queen 👑 

  • @Jill Bradley awwww @Leona Armstrong got you sorted.  So the schedule goes up every sunday I believe in the Live workouts section.  Note there wont be an IG workout tomorrow morning.

  • @Jill Bradley welcome back hun xx

  • Hello girls just a quick question where do ye find the sweaty 7s workouts I cant find them 

  • @jenny hayes they used to be only on instagram but now with the new library they're in a subsection on the left under 'Sweaty Sevens', hope this helps xx


  • @niamh Byrne thank you so much if I kept pressing page down 😂 thanks again 

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