Hi Queens if anybody has any advice on how to keep working out and eat a balanced diet I would really appreciate it. I would do 4/5 of the workouts a week and eat a balanced diet and feel great and I would begin seeing some great results. Then everything changes all of a sudden and I do maybe 1 workout a week and my diet is all over the place. I don't really know what to do to get where I want to be ,it's not that I'm unhappy with myself but I'd like to feel and be more comfortable and confident with my body. I tried keeping a food diary but I didn't like counting calories so I'm not sure what else to do, so please offer any advice you have, thanks xx❤️
@Natasha Kearney Heya Queen we've all bn there. It's very hard to maintain dietary routines. OK so Natasha a few questions for u! 1st when u fall off plan for both workout & diet would it b around ur time of month? As this can big a huge cause of what's happening to u. If it is I would mark ur cycle on a calender so that u will be ahead of the game for the next month regarding ur cycle, workouts & diet. If its not then it could b a case that u are tired. When we're tired we lack the energy or inclination to do anything leading us in consoling ourselves with rubbish food. Secondly do u do a meal plan for the week ahead.? If not I highly recommend it as it helps u to be more organised & actually helps u to stick to plan. A lot of us Queens would have meal planning as one of our weekly goals. From the start Maeve recommended we do a goal plan to help us to get to where we want to be. Honestly this has helped me greatly. Also Natasha I know that u will know this already but make sure that u have plenty of protein, iron & vitamins in ur meal as this is required when u do I a lot of workouts like urself. I hope that some of this helps u Queen 👑. Keep at it Natasha u're killing it doll 👑👑👑❤️❤️❤️
@Audrey Browne thanks so much Audrey, to answer the questions 1.)Luckily my time of the month doesn't affect me like that so I can rule it out. I think you're right about it being that I'm tired so I'll definitely work on having a better sleeping schedule!
2.)No I don't meal plan but I'll give it a go too and it'll probably help while doing the grocery shopping too😂. I think meal planning sounds like a good short term goal to keep me focused from week to week
Thank you so much for all the advice Audrey it's really helpful and I can't wait to put it into practice!! Hopefully I can share some progress pictures in a few months .Thanks again you're the best queen ever !!❤️❤️
@Natasha Kearney u're quite welcome doll. U've got this Natasha, knocking it out of the park as usual. Don't forget ur water intake also. I know what u mean about shopping, happened to me last night went shopping on an empty stomach & ended up in KFC 🙄🙄. I should know better 😂😂😂but it was gorgeous though 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Can't wait to hear about ur progress Queen. Very excited for u Queen 🤗 👑👑👑❤️❤️❤️
@Natasha Kearney Queen don't be hard on yourself, we have all been there and especially during lock down and working from home - the treat cupboard is very tempting!! When you fall off the wagon, acknowledge it and set aside some goals. I agree meal planning is the best 😁 A structured daily routine also helps!!
@Audrey Browne oh my goodness yes shopping while hungry never ends good😂😂 You've really given me a big push in motivating myself now I know why everybody loves you so much!!😂❤️Keep up the good work yourself too and thanks so much again 👑👑👑❤️❤️
@Julia Knudsen Thanks so much queen, yes I agree the treats cupboard has been more tempting than ever this year😂. I will try acknowledging and accepting when I fall off the bandwagon thank you this is such good advice and I can't wait to put it into good practice!! Thanks again I really love the community Maeve has made for us ❤️❤️
@Natasha Kearney it's normal to fall off the wagon, how else will we learn and succeed 💗💗 you are so very welcome Queen!! I know , it's an amazing community with lovely ladies who will always support you xx
@Natasha Kearney 🥰🥰🥰👑👑👑❤️❤️❤️