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New queen | MaeveMadden

New queen

  • Hi. I am new to this web page, I've signed up for the January  challenge, do I get a notification wen the info is on the page for jan challenge or do I just have to keep checking web page 


  • @Charlene McGovern hiya Queen & welcome. U're do going to enjoy this group & everything that comes with it. OK so normally Maeve wld put up a notice in the Announcement section of the forum, but u can always go to Maeve & queensdontquit Instragram & have a look there as what is required for Jan challenge is on there. But basically u must complete minimum of 3 workouts a week from the live section of workouts. Also maeve likes us to set goals for ourselves it's not compulsory but it keeps us focused and motivated Charlene. It also gets u through any bad day u may have. Wishing u the very best for ur Jan challenge Queen, dont worry  u'll knock it out of the park. Sit back & enjoy the journey. We r all here if u nd anything just ask. 👑👑👑❤️❤️❤️

  • @Audrey Browne thank you so much for your reply, 1st time I'm a long time I've been excited to get stuck in to some exercise so I can not wait. X

  • @Charlene McGovern I'm abit confused too where did u sign up for the January challenge or is just by being a member you are included? Thanks 

  • @Sarah Scanlan it was a swipe up from the promo vid of the January challenge I just filled it in submitted it ☺️

  • I'm also a newbie, I signed up for the January challenge too. But not sure if we are meant to be getting an email or anything, also a little confused. 

  • Hey! Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and happy new year! I'm also new here, swiped up on Maeves story for the January challenge and filled in my details and for month to month subscription. Was that the right way to do it? Are we just automatically included in the challenge or do we sign up somewhere else too?

    thanks xxx

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