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Nervous newbie | MaeveMadden

Nervous newbie

  • Well it’s the 4th of January, I've  had a cold slice of pizza for breakfast and I’m about to start a new routine with MM and her queens, I'm definitely a queen, but more drama queen then workout queen.  I also start back at work today, so I’ll miss the live sessions but I’m counting down for the beginner’s session at 6pm today.

    I'm nervous, excited, worried and determined for this challenge. I have a bottle of water out, setting up my hydration station and going to increase my steps today.  I just wanted to share this, next thing I needed to figure out to how to put up my picture instead of my name.  Love Queen AMC



  • @Anne-Marie Connolly Hi Anne-Marie!! I'm a newbie Queen too 👑 I am so excited for both of us and all the OG Queens and Newbies for this new challenge! To get a picture click on your own name above were you wrote your message and it will bring you to your Forum Profile and there is a edit button there to upload a pic 🤗 have a great day at work! Xx

  • @Anne-Marie Connolly pizza is carbs and they are needed 🍕I never make the live workouts either and there are so many others who don't so we are all in this together ❤️👑The key for me is to start the workouts on a Monday evening and religiously follow them each evening.. I hate Mondays so I do end up fighting with myself but once I get the Monday one in it sets me up for the week.. Don't be nervous we are all in the same boat🙌 ☺️Have a great day in work and best of luck with the challenge ❤️

  • @Megan Quinn thanks a million, first challenge sucessfully  completed 🙇‍♀️

  • @Anne-Marie Connolly @Megan Quinn  no need to worry Queens u both will smash it. Once u get the first one done u'll be itching to do the next one. Tues 6pm Combat Queens is live & it's so much fun. Pop on & have a look to see what u think. I bet u both u'll b joining in. Enjoy this evenings class 👑 👑 👑❤️❤️❤️ 

  • @Anne-Marie Connolly & @Megan Quinn I am new to the site too and feeling the same way. I had done some of the workouts with Maeve on Instagram in the past and know how good it can feel, but was worried I would not be able to keep up at all. I did the first workout done this morning and loved it. I won't be sharing any selfies 🙈as I was literally a hot mess 😀. 

    There is definitely comfort in knowing we are all in it together. Seems like an amazing community. 👑😘

    @Audrey Browne @Carol Tompkins and everyone else, thanks for looking out for us 🤗 🤗


  • @Jenifer Dagn delighted you enjoyed it👌 you smashed it 💪I did it myself and I was the same the Sweat and shaking in my legs ohh my 😂. Safe to say we will all be abit sore tommorrow 👍So good to be back 🙌🔙 Enjoy the rest of the classes this week keep up the great work your not alone queen 👑💪❤️

  • Hi All,

    I am another newbie to Team Queen 👑 . Loved the first workout, my legs feel like jelly but I feel motivated 😄. Looking forward to getting to know all of the Queen community 💜😊

  • Hey Queens! Another newbie here. I've done a few of Maeve's insta workouts but I'm a bit of a nervous nelly doing the beginner workout tonight🙈 I'm afraid I won't be able but we push on! Can't wait to feel stronger and looking for add to getting to know everyone x 

  • Well queens how did we do? I'll be honest I  really had to have a chat with myself during sexyback lol hope you all enjoyed! Is anyone gonna try out the classes tomorrow? X

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