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Wow, there's such a lovely community here! | MaeveMadden

Wow, there's such a lovely community here!

  • Hi Queens! My name is Katie. I'm a primary school teacher in Ireland and I decided to join today and to take part in the spring queen challenge. I've just completed my first workout and I couldn't believe how much I was smiling during it haha. It felt great to finally get my heart rate up again and I feel so much more energized already. Am looking forward to sharing this journey with all my fellow queens :) 

  • @Katie McKenna welcome Queen. Isn't it great that the workouts r actually fun & not a chore?! So glad u enjoyed it doll. Looking forward to sharing our journeys with u. Have an absolute blast Katie. 👑👑👑❤️❤️❤️

  • Yay for teachers-  I'm a secondary school teacher!!! 🙌🏻😂 The workouts are so much fun!! Good luck with your journey 👑💕

  • @Katie Welcome!!!! You will not regret signing up, I promise! No matter how you might feel at one stage or another during a workout I guarantee you will be smiling for the rest of it, and beaming by the end! The variety is brilliant too, perky peach and combat queens are my favourite, but I also love the short hiits and leg day though brutal is a good type of pain! I really need to get into the yoga/stretching too, as that can only help too!

    We are always here if you have any questions, or if you ever have a day where you hit a wall (we all do!) log-on here and have a rant if you need, and we will have your back!!

  • @Katie ahhh Katie such a lovely post!! And welcome Queen!!!

    So glad you loved the first workout!! Also couldn't agree more with what you and the other Queens have said - what an epic and amazing community of like minded Queens and super fun, challenging and rewarding workouts!!!

    See you on a live workout soon 👸😘

  • @Katie you will not regret being a part of this fabulous community. Love the workouts and just always find being amongst all the queens I feel like we all push ourselves that little bit harder!

    Enjoy your journey Queen!!

  • @katie welcome! I joined the Queen team last November and I have never enjoyed working out so much! 

    Enjoy your journey!!

  • I also joined this week-I've been following Maeve for a while now and finally plucked up the courage and motivation to get moving. 
    I started with the beginner class and today I did the combat queens which was tough 🌶🌶but felt so good after it- sore but good- ymca always gives that sense of Yass!!! I did it!!! 💪🏽So encouraging to have so many in the community 👑👑👑 🥳🥳🥳💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽#queensdontquit

  • @AnneMarie Elliot welcome!!! Getting started is the main thing, and you will notice your progress and strength increasing week by week! I try not to compare myself to anyone else in terms of photos, their calorie burn etc etc. For me the fun of the workouts is motivation enough, how good they make me feel, and I try to also focus on gains I fill in terms of like my planks versus last week, being less out of breath etc! Enjoy, looking forward to exercising is game-changing! 

  • @Sharon Scully yes that's exactly it. Can't wait to see my progress week on week😊

  • @AnneMarie Elliot Welcome to team Queen👸

  • I'm a newbie on here too. I did the legs (Monday) & yesterday (Wed) I did Combat. Feels so good to get back into exercise. Covid put a stop to my usual fitness classes, so I'm just loving this. Maeve is a great motivator to keep you going right to the end. My legs are just about back to normal today 😁

  • @Elaine Binions Welcome! I just finished Combat Queens there now, after doing Lean Legs yesterday- wooeee do the legs burn! Ease yourself into it too, and don't feel the need to do every single workout during the week. You know yourself from doing classes- listen to the body and take a break if you need! You'll quickly figure out the ones you love and never want to miss, but also then again they are all amazing! Enjoy, it is such fun!!! 

  • I'm also from Ireland and joined this week. I've been following Maeve for ages and doing her free lives and finally joined to do the spring challenge! I've done 4 of the workouts this week and feel great, my legs are like jelly, struggling to go up the stairs sometimes 😂😅 Excited to do this journey with all of you ❤️👑

  • @Jia Moriarty 👸💪🏽 Yes 4 done this week too- didn't go too crazy but set to up the anti for next week.  Can't wait for the perky peach class and the yoga- all firsts for me!!!  
    new year new me- can't use lockdown as an excuse anymore 🤦🏻‍♀️😂

  • @AnneMarie Elliot go you! Well done 🙌🏼 Yes me too I want to try gradullay improve weekly! I did my first ever barre ballet class today and surprisingly loved it, can't wait to try more classes ❤️🎉

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