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Female Talk... | MaeveMadden

Female Talk...

  • I've written & rewritten this in my head so many times that I'm just gnna write it.. hope this is ok.. 

    My names Rach I've been with TQ since lockdown 1.0 & I've hopped on & off the Venga bus ever since! 

    About a year ago I started experiencing really bad bloating it would last most of the month & id be lucky if I fit into 'that' pair of skinny jeans for 3-4 days of the month, the rest of the time I'd be in baggy clothes & my other half's hoodie. I developed a really bad relationship with food & somewhere along the line thought 5 spin classes a week with a side of more cardio & not much else would be the cure for the constant bloating . (it wasn't) 

    Then I developed pain in my lower abdomen & my self confidence had gotten so bad I couldn't be intimate with my other half & when I could be it began to hurt. 

    Somewhere along the line I think all of Maeves positive statements began to sink in and I realised I needed to locate my big girl pants & go seek help. 

    After a few investigations ( gotta say girls, the gyno teams are lovely 💜 & not quite as scary as I imagined them to be) it turns out they found something on my womb, & whilst it's not the cure it has started new lines of investigation into endometriosis and other things I can't spell or pronounce 🤪.. 

    I've been so worried & scared that I wasn't normal or that because I was feeling how I was that I wasn't feminine or good enough.. I was really harsh to myself!
    However, luckily Ive to the conclusion that's it's ok not to be ok!
    That just because I was having feminine issues didn't / doesn't  make me less of a woman.

    The more I read online, the more people I found on Instagram who spoke out about feminine issues & I know maeves always real with us about the bloat & girl talk, but I think sometimes there is still a stigma surrounding talk about vaginal concerns or issues..

    I searched the chat rooms for someone else who might be feeling this way but I couldn't see anything so I thought I'd brave it & start one.. so if only one of you queens reads this - Thank you! 

    My January challenge whilst I want to get fit &  stronger it's also to remember that whilst I might not be feeling 100% all of the time, I still made the time, I threw several punches in combat queens or lifted those weights in S7's - because I am enough. 

    To any queens going through any of the above or have been or if you've got a friend of a friend who has, advice is always welcome & anything is better than the dreaded lying awake at 1:00am worrying google search! 

    Rach xx 

    p.s Thanks for reading I know it was a long one! 🥰


  • @RachyB 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌👏👏👏👏👏👏 Heya Queen. Well done u doll. Such a great topic. I am sorry that u had to go through all this pain but so so happy that u r getting it investigated. I pray that it won't b too a long road for u & u will have answers soon. Rachy, I can imagine how scared u were but believe to me at this very moment u one very brave queen. U took that big leap & done something about it. U wanted ur life, ur confidence back & u pulled up ur big girls pants & got it sorted. Well done u. U will inspire other women to do the same. Feminine issues were & still are hush hush issues. But as women we r slowly standing up & bringing them out in the open, making other women aware they r not on their own. Well done Queen ❤️. I wish u health & happiness & the most amazing new journey. Take care Queen 👑 👑 👑 ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 

  • So sorry to hear what you're going through and I really hope you get an answer soon! You are one strong and brave woman... an absolute queen!!! 👑 So much love and respect for you sharing your story - you should be very proud ❤️

  • @RachyB oh Rachel I am so proud of you for opening up and bringing this awareness to our forum, I am sure lots of women will read and relate to this just as I have done.  3 surgeries later and all my mini scars on a my tummy, just proves that us Queens, we dont quit, we power on.. Honestly you have given the best advice, that if something doesnt feel right go to the doctor and push for answers, I know I went so many times and was told oh its prob just your ibs but I knew it wasnt and for me it took an emergency operation and almost the loss of my left ovary.  So I always say push and push if you feel something is wrong... I also invested in health insurance, and its honestly the best money I spend all year, there are some really good insurance companies that are not too expensive.  I had a 9cm fibroid in my uterus and it stuck out all the time, it grew from 4cm - 9cm in about 6 months I was bed ridden every period and it was soooo heavy I would faint.  On the NHS the dont operate unless your fibroid is around 12+cm which is insane becuase for me it was agony, but with the insurance I was able to get it out in 2 weeks.. So giving up small things to cover the cost of my insurance for me was so worth it.   

    we know that here on our forum it is a very safe space, for any of our queens to open up about issues they are having.   Sending you all my love and prayers and I hope that you get the answers soon. Keep us updated 

  • @RachyB Hey girl well done for putting it out there and hopefully some other girls will be able to offer their experiences too. I think the one thing you did which is fantastic and is message to put out there is to get checked if it doesnt feel right. You will have answers and reassurance and a plan in place and thats worth so much.

    I've had issues with CIN level smears and letz treatments in my younger yrs and multiple miscarriages in my later yrs and i find to this day we arent told enough about the long term effects of something minor in our earlier yrs - i have 4 sisters and i always want for them to be healthy and get their smears and stay on top of changes but its great to have so many girls here where we are all at different stages of our lives and can share our experiences in safe space x

    You are doing great Rachy and you are all woman and all queen xx

  • @RachyB you just brought a tear to my eye. Well done you!! I'm going through a few investigations at the moment myself and to hear  Maeve mention in one of the workouts that the exercises are lady bits friendly was so great as it is always a concern.  I hope you're doing well. Thanks for sharing 👸

  • @Maeve Madden@Beth Haughian @AnneMarie Elliot@Vicky Baker@Audrey Browne  - I am so touched that you guys not only read my post but replied! 

    I am honestly overwhelmed by your kind words, I have been too embarrassed to talk to my friends because it's such a hard topic to bring up even over a glass of prosexy! 

    I wanted to create a topic for anyone who was worried or going through something that they maybe don't have anyone to talk to right now, I know I've turned to the queens to pull me through over the last 9 months or so, just by logging in and taking part in the lives when I was feeling low or lonely even if the community didn't know they were helping they were, so I wanted to repay the favour! Xx


  • @AnneMarie Elliot - How are you, how are you finding all you investigations? Sending you a big hug, I hope your ok! Xx

  • @RachyB thank you so much for opening up! It's so important to talk about these things! I'm in the middle of going through some tests etc to do with my periods last ridiculously long, honestly it can be daunting to talk about. My doctor made me get a smear the other day and I happened to mention it to my house mate who is a few years behind on getting one and she has just booked one now too. It's definitely time to normalise talking about any issues with our bodies! 
    Im determined to not be fobbed off by a doctor this year like I was last year and going to keep pushing to figure out what's up with my body to make sure I keep as healthy as possible! 

    we're all in this together and sometimes just sharing a worry/concern can make you feel a bit better about it and let you sleep a little easier at night! 

    Good Luck Queen, we're here for you 💪🏻👑❤️

  • @RachyB I'm good Rach thanks. It's all monitoring at the mo and back again for more scans in 2 months - 2 separate issues going on and trying to rule out anything sinister going on-  it's more the not knowing than anything- but the fact that I've started the investigations is half the battle!!

  • @Sinead O'Callaghan - Thank you for sharing this with me, how are you doing? 

    I put off having my smear for years, I was in my 30's before I got the guts up to go have mine done, the thought of the whole procedure was so daunting to me because I didn't realise how important it was or what actually happened. I'm so glad your house mate is getting one too! 

    How are you finding the whole process of getting answers & getting tests done? 

    I remember I sat in front of a doctor and cried and they just said I'm sorry I can't help, so I tried again & even though they found something after pushing a few times I was so relieved because I knew the pain wasn't in my head, it exsisted and there might be a way forward & it's progress. 

    If you need anything please shout, I'd love to help if I can xx

  • @AnneMarie Elliot oh my gosh I feel ya! I'm waiting for a surgery date but I'll have to have more tests to figure it all out.. so pleased that your getting the help you deserve! Fingers crossed that everything is going to be ok & it's not anything sinister, please don't worry if you need to talk please shout up! Xx 

  • @RachyB Sorry I went offline all weekend for a break! Thanks so much, my first round of results came back all clear thankfully so now its waiting for the smear results! unfortunately i got caught up in the mess/scandal of the smear tests in the Republic of Ireland and had to keep getting my smear repeated and it was not great and so it just put me off when I moved North last year they offered me one and it took till last week to get it done but Ive had it done at least!

    Im doing ok but to get my period under control they have had to put me on meds so its a waiting game to see if that can level out the hormones in my body so fingers crossed I suppose! 

    Thanks for the lovely message it is so nice to know I can log in here and share any worry and someone probably has similar experience or even if they dont they are willing to listen no judgement!


  • @Sinead O'Callaghan 

    heya, how's you? Did you have a good weekend, logging off is good sometimes, I did that yesterday pulled my back somehow and had to fight myself to rest instead of doing circuits was gutted! 

    I'm so sorry I didn't know there had been a scandal I'm in the UK and it's interesting to  hear the difference in things, so pleased you've had your smear done now though did they give you an indication on how long till you get your results? 

    I was offered a hormone injection that would put me into early menopause to see if there was a problem with my hormones but as a 34 year old that would like kids It freaked me out a little bit, I hope your doing ok on your new meds and that they work! 

    I'm so happy that I wrote this chat, it's made me feel so much better knowing there are other queens who are going through this and that we can now talk no judgement at all... it's really lovely 💕 xx

  • @RachyB xxxx 👑👑👑❤️❤️❤️

  • Just checking in girlies.. how are we all doing?? @Sinead O'Callaghan, @AnneMarie Elliot , @Beth Haughian @Audrey Browne @Vicky Baker - everyone ok?? 


  • @RachyB all good here. How are you getting on? I'm switching my work outs now to the mornings for this week to see how I get on and it'll be an added bonus if I can to an extra on in the evening too 😊

  • @RachyB all good thank you lovely!! 🥰🥰 Just did this morning and evenings class back to back trying to squeeze in what I can... the spice 🌶 Hope you're well 💕

  • @Beth Haughian Putting us all to Shame 🙀 Go 👸

  • @AnneMarie Elliot lol definitely not I'm still lying on the floor 😂😂 Its only because I can't make the morning lives with work although hoping that'll change in the next week or so once I get set up to work from home 🙌🏻

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