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  • Hello all you Queens and Kings!

    I CANNOT believe that it's been so long since I first posted my story and before pics for the Spring Queen Challenge. It's simply flown in! 

    Well... you were all right! Pick your classes on the Sunday night you said. You'll end up wanting to do all of them you said. I bet you'll come back and tell us you've done most of the classes you said. Well yes, that 100% happened! I'm so addicted once again to exercising! I'm in the middle of my final medical school exams (like in 2 months time I'll find out if I'm a doctor- how even?! I still have a unicorn themed bedroom haha!) and exercising has been such a good way to release the stress for me. And, I can't believe how quickly I'm noticing changes in my body. My arms have not had this much definition since I was training 4 hours a day. Love when I'm brushing my hair and I'm like "Oh, is that a bi and a tricep I see?!".

    Well anyway, enough about me! How are you guys getting on? What's been your favourite new classes?

    Also just wanted to say, that if any of you ever fancy a chat, please do get in touch. I love meeting new people and honestly, I need the procrastination from studying!

    Much Queening Love,

    Erin x

  • Well done Erin !! Completely agree, planning out my week on Sunday night helped me sooo much - it felt like I had a good challenge ahead but also made me look forward to each and every one and even when work schedule meant I couldn't do workouts at the times I had planned I was determined to find time. I've always loved the combat classes but think the spicy ciruits have been my faves the last 2 weeks... 

    Hope you have a great week ahead and good luck for all your exams 👏🏻❤xx

  • @Niamh Mercer Thank you so much! And yaasss spicy circuits are next level burn! It gets to Sunday night now and I'm constantly refreshing Insta to see if the timetable is up yet haha!x

  • omg I am so proud of all my queens here.  I love making the schedule and adding in new bits.  We have a new trainer coming on board this week and shes brilliant... @Erin Cooper we usually have the schedule up around 6pm - 7pm as even though I promise myself every friday I will do the schedule when it comes to sunday I always change my mind about this lol so Sundayz it is

  • @Maeve Madden Can't wait to try the new class! How exciting!!!

  • @Erin Cooper haha this message made me giggle 🤭 there's nothing quite like finally feeling that sense of belonging when it comes to fitness I feel the same I just want to do them all everyday. Even on my rest day I am scrolling through to see what I could do 😂 completely agree the challenge is absolutely flying! Time flies when your having fun 🥳🤩 

  • @Erin Cooper Yaaay, thrilled to hear!!! The pure energy flowing through this message is giving me life! In awe of you combining this with medical exams, good woman!!! Having something like this to balance the stress is everything. And when you can see and feel the changes it just feels so amazing

    I loved Francesca's new class- was still feeling it in my peach on Friday!!! I'm excited to see how her second class goes, and looking forward to trying the new class with Tracey too. But I also really enjoy Spicy Circuits. And then my must haves are Leags, Peachy and Combat Queens......So in summary- why yes I might be considering 9 classes this week to fit it all in hahaha!!!!

  • @Emma Sullivan Completely agree- it's such an amazing feeling!

  • @Sharon Scully Woohoo! So much to look forward to this week! Can't wait to hear how you get on

  • @Erin Cooper I am the exact same!! I love planning what workouts I'll do on the Sunday, but then sneakily add in another one or two during the week... Can't help myself!! I've been doing 6 a week, which I'm absolutely shocked about, never would've thought I'd have managed that without killing myself off, but I am!! Just shows how much you've progressed and enjoy the workouts :)

    I've struggled for years with food and punishing myself with workouts or running just so I can eat, as I never believed I was allowed it unless I earned it. And to be here now just enjoying myself, not caring in the slightest if I've 'earned it' or if I've burned enough calories today, is honestly the best feeling ever, never would've thought I'd get here, but having this community, seeing everyone struggle with their own battles, and Maeve sharing her stories, has been the best thing I've invested in for myself in a long time. And it's so good for stress relief as you say and it gets our heads out of our wee bubbles in lockdown for a bit💛

    I'm now trying to figure out how I add another class into this week's plan😂 hope your studying isn't too painful today and you get a good workout in! You're absolutely smashing it and you'll do fantastic in your final exams😊


  • @Erin Cooper i am so with you.....can't not believe it's been 3 weeks!! Amazing that you are doing all of this along with your medical exams!!

    I totally agree with planning the classes as soon as the schedule comes out! I also try and plan my meals for the week aswell - always find that helps me not being lazy and snacking!! xx

  • @Annah Warrender Aww thank you so much! I'm so glad you're enjoying exercise without punishing yourself. I think it makes it so much easier when it doesn't feel like a chore but more of a treat in itself x

  • @Moya Murton Oh I'll need to try and plan my meals! I did it this week but purely because there's stuff about to go out of date and if I didn't write down what I was having when it would go to waste haha! I'm so scatty 

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