So I'm now on week 5 and feeling amazing. I'm down 5 pounds, I have so much more energy, my stomach is flatter, my bum is perkier and I'm seeing little flickers of muscles every so often in my arms 😊😊. I'm so happy I joined. I was so over working out last year and just hated all the online ones I tried. I felt so crap about myself 5 weeks ago when I joined. I love working out now again. I look forward to my workout everyday and I kinda miss them on my rest days. I love that this is not just another online gym but an actual community. I love the forum and the chats feature in the classes. I'm 100% never going back to a gym now. Here's to the next 5 weeks and hopefully seeing more changes.

@Cora Savage Woohoo you legend, look at that progress already!!! And I'm loving how the mindset has changed and improved so much, it makes all the difference and you have come so far from when you posted your first picture. I'm so so thrilled for you!!! Aaaaagh!!!
PS after lusting after your Ugg slippers from your first picture I actually ordered myself a pair and they arrived last week and I have legit lived in them since, life-changing!!! So thank you for inspiring me in more ways than one!
Aaah I'm here beaming smiling for you!!!!
@Sharon Scully aw Sharon thanks. Did you get them. Woohoo. There so comfy aren't they. They are pricy for slippers but they are so worth it.
@Cora Savage Queen u look amazing. I bet u're over the moon. I love when we can see the changes on our shape. We'll dons Cora be very proud of all ur hard work as it's paying off. 💖. Isn't QDQ the best, every single bit of it. I'm with u I won't being seeing the inside of a gym anymore. I cant wait to see ur next update Queen. Enjoy ur journey doll because u r smashing it. 😍 😍 😍 👑👑👑❤️❤️❤️
@Cora Savage woo hoo amazing Queen! Isnt the community just the best feature? I mean the workouts are fabulous and those alone would make me never go back to a gym but the community is just the cherry on the top! A Queendom fit for all Queens!👸 Keep smashing it girl you're inspiring💜
@Cora Savage wow this is AMAZING Queen!!! Huge congrats, you look fab and I love how happy you are sounding in this post ❤️❤️ Also, I agree - never again do I need to go to a gym - QDQ is way funner!!! Xx
@Cora Savage wow Queen you look incredible!! 🤩Well done you!! I bet you're so proud of yourself ❤️ I'm the exact same I will never step foot inside a gym again. I will sing@Maeve Madden praises till the day I die 🤣 The only workouts I consistently enjoy and actually am happy to get up out of bed in the morning for! Well done Queen keep doing you cause you look FAB 👸🏼❤️❤️❤️
@Cora Savage absolutely fantastic woohoo go queen 👑❤️
@Cora Savage wow such visible changes here. I'm so glad you are getting stronger and confident.
@Catriona Conboy omg yeeeeessssss I should be getting commission for the amount of people I am.telling to join!! Ha ha. Omg i just love it.
@Sinead Bergin I am the exact same!! Constantly telling people to join. I mean where would you be going?! All the classes we get every week and for such a great price 🤩🤩
@Catriona Conboy exactly. I was thinking about my spending and monthly budget and I was like of course QDQ is a necessity. How can I even second question it? It givrs me the motivation to get up out of bed in the morning. It boosts my energy and mood levels enabling me to get so much more work done. I feel stronger. I could go on and on to be honest.
@Sinead Bergin yes yes and YES girl!!!👸🏼❤️
@Cora Savage oh wow hun!! Look at that for progress!! I'm with you and the girls on this - I will never step foot in a gym again!! All I talk about is@Maeve Madden! The most positive thing that has come into our lives 💗