Reading through all the posts and seeing how strong and motivated you are all feeling just makes me so proud to be part of a strong community of women! 💗 I couldn't be more proud of each and everyone of you! Progress isn't just in pictures, or on the scale.. it's a feeling within that only you can create! Lots of love xx I was inspired and took my own pictures and I love how I can see a bit of definition happening 💪🏼💪🏼
@Julia Knudsen Yesss to the definition, definitely there to be seen!!!! Well done! I love that- it's definitely not all about the scale (or the bitch in the bathroom as we like to refer to her!!!), seeing a bit of people's growth in terms of their mindset, their confidence and being more comfortable in their own skin is just wonderful.
@Sharon Scully Thank you Queen! You hit the nail on the head hun 💗💗💗
@Julia Knudsen there is defo definition there. You look amazing. Well done. That's exactly what I love about QDQ. it's not just about the scales. I'm 5 weeks in now and my mindset has completely changed. I'm much happier in myself and can feel my confidence coming back.
@Julia Knudsen You're looking fabulous queen Julia 💯 Well done! You should be super proud of yourself. I'm thinking I might take half way photos during the week just to see if my body has changed much. I'm definitely feeling so much stronger and the mirror seems to have been kinder recently but would love to see if there are any major results 👀 The time is absolutely flying past I can't believe we're half way through week 5 already!! ❤️❤️
@Cora Savage Thank you hun 🥰 it's a great feeling- it's life changing! Ah queen I'm so pleased to hear that and this is just the beginning! Imagine how you will feel at the end of the challenge? X
@Niamh Byrne ahhh thank you hun, you are too kind! 💗 If I didn't have such a sweet tooth- I could probably see a bit more of a difference! Pictures are a great way to track results for yourself, even just the changing of the shape of your body, it is amazing to see! You are great at getting the workouts in- I'm sure you will see fabulous results! Xx
@Julia Knudsen that's just fabulous. Thanks for sharing that amazing line there about the feeling within that you can only create.
@Cora Savage amazing to hear your confidence is boosted.
@Niamh Byrne the time is going so fast. It's mad. I'm really enjoying the journey.
@Julia Knudsen ha ha ohhhhhh if only I could hold off on the sweet treats myself. But look I'm getting stronger and my mood is better so that's a positive change.
@Julia Knudsen whhhhhhhhhhooooooo Queen. Amazing results Julia so so proud of u girl. Keep smashing it Queen 👑👑👑❤️❤️❤️
@Sinead Bergin You are so welcome Queen 💕 it's not easy but one day at a time!
@Audrey Browne ahhhhhh thank you Queen 💗you keep us all motivated!!! Xx
@Sinead Bergin That's an extremely positive change 💕 I do find Fibre one 90 calorie treats good too x