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New Queen - Spring Challenge | MaeveMadden

New Queen - Spring Challenge

  • Hello everyone!

    I signed up for QDQ in Decemer 2020 and started my journey with the Spring Challenge. I am 25 years and from Austria, Europe. I have never been in a community where everyone is so supporting and lovely.💛 I am lucky to be able to do all the live workouts in the morning, and the best part of them is writing with you beautiful ladies there. It is just so good to see that I am not the only one struggeling. 

    Does anyone know if it's important to wear trainers while doing the workouts? I usually do them barefoot.

    So I am 4 weeks in and I already lost 3,5kg! I am watching my nutrition and doing ~5 workouts per week. Loving the results and can't wait to see the final results. Also, I LOVE Francesca's Booty Sessions 🍑😇

  • Well done on the amazing results!! 

    I always have trainers on as I feel some of the workouts can but high impact and cause some knee or ankle issues for me! 

    Francesca's classes are absolutely wild!! But so good! 🔥🍑🔥

    Very jealous of all the lucky queen's who can do the lives- still working 8-4  every day so need to get the live in on the weekend 🙈

  • @Theresa Schaffer Amazing progress, well done- you should be so so proud of yourself! Some achievement already!!! I agree on Francesca's class, it's like you can actually feel the change is happening during the class, it is so tough but so great! 

    I definitely think for the cardio/hiit type classes you need to be wearing footwear, like what Amy says there's the risk of impact damage to your legs, specifically your knees and ankles. 

    Oh we are all struggling through this together!- we all have our good days and our bad, and the beauty of this group is that whether you share the good or the day you will always get such wonderful support here, and it is such a safe space too that you can literally share anything and there is never judgement!

    So glad you are enjoying your journey, keep at it!! 

  • @Theresa Schaffer awwww hi queen!!!! I try to make some lives but home schooling does affect that a little! I love lives too for the chats!!! 

    I usually wear runners to support my ankles and jumping! Woow ur in Austria.... how fab!!! Love seeing queens from all over the world!! Well done on loosing those pounds, thats so brilliant! Oooh I think we'll have a kim k booty very soon 🤩🤩🤩🤩 xxx 

  • @Theresa Schaffer yes Francesca and her booty burn classes are unreal. Well done on your progression so far. 

  • @Amy Lewis ok interesting to read about the impact to the knees and ankles. I must remember this too that runners/trainers are important.

  • @Carmel Mulvany it's hard with the homeschooling alright. I hope it is going ok for you. Its such a difficult time for people with children at home or for teachers trying to educate online.

  • @Sinead Bergin so true queen but thankfully its going ok, just hard to break up the monotony everyday!!! Xx

  • @Theresa Schaffer wow 3.5kg is absolutely incredible Queen. Keep up the good work. We are all in this together xx 

  • @Theresa Schaffer Heya Queen all the way from Austria. Great to have u on the Queen team. It sounds like u r smashing ur workouts already. Well done u. It is advisable to wear runners for workouts in order to protect ur feet (prevention of falling arches) ankles, knees, hips & back. Also ur neck & spine. I know u may not feel that u r not doing any damage but it cld effect u later on in life. Its better to be safe than sorry doll. Ill see u on the QDQ dance floor queen. Keep smashing úr workouts Theresa & have an amazing week 6 👑👑👑❤️❤️❤️

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