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Sexy shoulders queen's | MaeveMadden

Sexy shoulders queen's

  • Well that was some morning..... 3 workouts back to back....... what the ......

    My goodness they were spicy!!! My arms felt strong today for weight section in sweaty 7s but not so good in push ups..... but im OK with that. @Maeve Madden I loved the tips for push ups at the end of sweaty 7s, it was super helpful. 

    Its always something I struggle with but I'm gonna keep practicing! I find my lower body always falls first when dropping but im thinking that that might be due to me not pulling core in enough! I'm gonna keep on the push up journey, I know ill get there wih time!!! 

    Who else is feeling stronger this week! We really defo raising the bar....

    P.s I'm soooooooo excited for Friday and sineads dance session...... this has made me so happy today 💃💃💃💃💃👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♀️

    Happy hump day Queens xxx

  • @Carmel Mulvany Carmel fair play on the three workouts! Some woman!!! I did the Early Bird cardio and Sweaty 7s! I think I'm similar to you in that, I felt strong in my upper body today but I struggled with the push ups and always have but gonna try Maeve's tips and see how I go! Some burn in that session today but starting to notice some definition in my shoulders which is defo a win! Friday sounds like great craic! 

    Its past lunchtime now so we're over the hump! We got this! Woo!!! xx

  • @Jean O’Neill awh those push ups are so tough but if we keep on trying we will master them!!! Sweaty 7s was so so spicy,  I was breathing in and out like a lunatic 😁😁😜😜

  • @Carmel Mulvany Yes Queen look at you go smashing out 3 workouts back to back that's incredible!! 💪 I wasn't up in time for the Early Bird this morning so stuck with 10 min Abs and Sweaty 7s and oh my goodness, wasn't it spicy!? 🌶

    I'm feeling so strong and proud of myself this week! I've used my strong band and my 5kg dumbbells! We are raising the bar indeed and it is fabulous! 💪 loved Maeve's tips at the end up too, she's just the best 😊💛

    I'm so excited for Fridays dance session! As Sinead said, let's put on some lipstick and grab a prosexy, it's going to be wonderful 💃👯‍♀️

  • Fab @Carmel Mulvany !

    I seen Sinead's announcement on insta, really hope to make the live. Will be some craic lol

  • Omg the shoulder taps and mountain climbers in Sweaty Sevens, i found that hard today. I kept pushing though even if I did drop more than once. Getting stronger together everyday. 😊

  • @Carmel Mulvany Woohoo go queen Carmel 😍 Absolutely smashing it! I think I'm the same as you with the push ups but some days I can do them absolutely perfect but today I did struggle but I didn't mind so much because I felt amazing through all the other moves 🙌 We'll keep at it though queen and we'll get there eventually! I was very sore today so think I'm going to ake a rest day tomorrow and let myself refresh and then come back stronger on Friday! I always feel a wee bit guilty on my rest days for being lazy but it's always worth it cming back stronger! 

    Yess I'm so excited for friday, can't wait for the craic lol hopefully will be able to make it 🤞

  • @Carmel Mulvany I just did sweaty 7s and my wrist were having none of the planks or push ups! I'm so glad I asked her cause it made a huge difference after she showed the technique.. I'm not strong enough for the plank jacks yet but I was doing the beginner on the knees until today I was able to get up so yeah I'm proud of that deffo getting stronger queens 🙌 Woop woop

  • @Carmel Mulvany 3 workout go 👑🌶🔥 loved sweaty 7s from the first set the shoulders were burning 🔥 I also loved the tips only realised I was doing boy push up this evening 🙈😂 fri eve sounds like such craic really not sure if il make it, but I'll try xx 

  • @Georgie Dillon get the lippi and the prosexy ready honey xxx

  • @Aisling McGlinchey oh my gosh,  sounds like a real fun evening xxx

  • @Sinead Bergin yes Queen, we r all in this together!!!! Improving day by day xxx

  • @Niamh Byrne awh I hope you make it doll!!! I'm so like you, some days push ups go OK and others not so good! We just have to take it a back a notch on those days!

    Rest days are so important but we love this do much its so hard to stop 😁😁😁


  • @Shannon Lawless yep queen I was so glad yo see the technique at the end. I also did on the knees too, just cudnt manage it today but we'll get there!!!! Practice makes perfect queen xxx

  • @Gemma O Connor awww hope you can make it queen,  it sounds like some craic! We got serious workouts today! Roll on thurs xx

  • @Carmel Mulvany rest days are important or take it back a notch like u suggested. I must also keep that in mind rather than always overdoing it.

  • @Carmel Mulvany I did Sweaty 7s last night, and I think having had the rest since Wed morning helped me in terms of being fresh for the class. It was super spicy, woah did my shoulders feel it but like you I definitely think I'm feeling stronger! So much so that afterwards I went down to my parents and made them poke my bicep, my Dad was actually kind of digusted by how hard it was so I was delighted with myself hahahah! 

    Also don't be too hard on yourself with the push-ups, they are bloody difficult! It's really a one that takes time to progress on (and technique is key, was so glad Maeve went through few tips at the end), so once you are seeing the baby steps getting better then that is amazing! 


    So excited for Friday HIIT - I will miss Perky Peach but it feels a perfect timing for a good mood lifter! 

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