Did anyone watch the Britney Spears Documentary last night.
I absolutley loved Britney growing up shes about 5 years older than me so, totally my era. I remember all those headlines and how they would constantly tear her apart... I mean what was in the document her old lawyer couldnt see?? He was so sure that she was fine and then the judge appointed someone else... The whole thing is just so suspicious.. A bit Judy Garland vibes really. Its just so very sad
I saw it. So heartbreaking!! Crazy that this conservatorship is even possible. Really hope she manages to get out of it. Now we just need to replace Sexy Back with a new song 😅
It's crazy! Hopefully with all the media coverage on it now she'll be able to get out of it.
I can't imgaine the conservatorship lasting unless there's something big that the public aren't being told. Although if there is I don't see how she was allowed to do so much work like the Vegas residency.
Yes it was such an interesting watch! I love some of Britney's tunes but cant say I've been an avid fan as such... but now I'm so invested!!! Horrible some of the things she has went through and this whole conservatorship is mental. How can she be deemed unfit with "dementia like" illness but then does a tour performing stuff over and over again for weeks on end?! So strange... poor girl 🥺
This is an old thread but I saw this resurface yesterday - an interesting read!! https://twitter.com/britneyhiatus/status/1284555919548874752?s=21
@Maeve Madden wasnt it so hard to see what the magazines abs paparazzis did to her! They treated her like an animal!!!! It was shocking to see the level of attention she got! Its all very strange with her dad, he looks to be just in it for the money!!! 😪😪😪
I'm a year or two older than her and I remember all the magazine articles about her were always talking about sex and her and how she was over sexualized and how older women felt threatened by her...obviously men making this rubbish up, the media up until the early 2000's would have been male dominated, men like Donald Trump and Epstein manged all entertainment, and even the women in senior roles were heavily influenced by that male authority.
I watched a weird version of it on Youtube and I dont think it was the full thing, I saw bits of it on sky last night and noticed it looked different so will have to re watch it.
I find it so odd that her brother and sister havent come out to make any sort of statement about her dad.
She was such a cute and massively talented littel girl, they should have protected her when she was little not take advantage of her.
The person she portrays on Instagram seems so different to the person she was before, even in interviews the way she spoke was so articulate and she was very strong, its like she is a character on her instagram, I wonder if that is just her way of protecting herself from the press.
Like this was the terms of her original conservatorship
Under conservatorship, Britney Spears: - Doesn't control her own money - Can't hire an attorney - Can't drive, vote or see friends without permission - Isn't allowed to have custody of her children - And has her social media monitored
That is enough to trigger a panic attack for me...like she had ZERO control I'd literally loose my mind. Like if someone keeps telling you that you are mentally ill for a prolonged persiod of time you will believe it, so god knows what her mental state is now.
(same goes for anything, if someone tells you you are ugly/fat/skinny/mean etc over a prolonged time you will believe it)
Been followig the Free Britney movement for a while because I noticed that her Instagram feed was really odd. Every time I watch a video on her page I feel so sad because you can tell that she is scared and unhappy. The way she rocks back and forth when she's talking and it often looks like she's speaking from a script. When you think of how confident she was and how much of an amazing performer she is it's horrible how much they have been able to control her.
Awful that she barely is allowed to see her kids anymore as well. Documentary was so eye opening to how difficult it must have been at that time to be female and famous (not saying it is easier now, but I'd like to think we're making some progress)
It's just so unbelievable, isn't it?! She's brought so many people so much joy, able to feel comfortable and free in themselves, etc and so it's just extra heartbreaking that she herself is basically locked away and has been used as a commodity. I watched with my husband, who is a lawyer, and he just couldn't get over the legality of her specific conservatorship either. He was up researching for hours! Actually, on Netflix there's a documentary series called 'Dirty Money' and one of the episodes focuses on Conservatorship/Guardianship and omg def, recommend watching. It fully explains just how much power a conservator has and how they're nearly impossible to reverse!
@Anne Hamilton Black, you are so right about the disgusting coverage of Britney when she was younger and how that has continued. I'm 31 and from the US, so felt like I grew up with Britney and have such vivid memories of the magazine covers all day, every day. My aunt took my sister and I to see her in concert in 1998 -she was Nysnc's opening act!- which means she was only 17, and I remember there were loads of articles straight after that tour wondering if she was a virgin. How sick is that? No one was asking that about any of the boy bands. Then the Rolling Stone shoot, where everyone obsessed over if she'd had implants, and if there were scars, the 'war' with Christina, etc etc etc - nothing about her talent. It's so sad for Britney, and for all girls who had that horrible demonising treatment of women normalised in front of them, constant judgment of our bodies, made to be like dolls and so on. I so hope Britney can share her honest story.
@Maeve Madden, think we need a Britney appreciation workout! ❤️
Just found this, someone who dared to do the opposite of the ret of the media at the time https://www.huffpost.com/entry/craig-ferguson-britney-spears-monologue-viral-again_n_60227e49c5b6173dd2f96827?utm_source=main_fb&utm_campaign=hp_fb_pages&ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000063&utm_medium=facebook&fbclid=IwAR1SWOJvjP9ABLZTAzCwqChzZ5zZOO04dpItLgNYHlIjeg03JJ3Q9LkhJNw