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Summer Queen Tracker | MaeveMadden

Summer Queen Tracker

  • @Megan Hunter they really do, don't they, its amazing how our minds can't comprehend the changes we have made in our bodies until we see actual physical evidence ie photos 😅 I was the same as you until I came across pictures from about a year ago and I was like ok,yep definitely progress happening! 😄 Wish I took better before and afters though of the challenge. 

  • @Ashley Jordan oh thats brilliant! You'll have to do some for the next one 😉

    I threw out the shorts I had on in my first set from January because they were rubbish to work out in, should have kept them just for photos sake haha 

  • @Megan Hunter I find it hard to take right photos in this house aswell, especially if I want to take them in bra and knickers in natural light, would give the neighbours a right eyeful if they seen me!😅 I actually have shorts on in the photo from last year and they are desperate! But they do show the swelled belly I had on me though! 😅 Thank god for gymhsrak leggings!

  • Wow you look amazing Megan!!!! You can see the changes, hope you feel amazing! ❤️❤️❤️

  • @Niamh Savage Thank you so much, it's hard when you are looking at them yourself, almost like you are willing there to be change. When someone else says it you think 'ok maybe I'm not insane' 😂

  • @Megan Hunter I know the feeling, I felt like that last week, I was like its week 11 and I haven't seen much change since week 6, but I feel it the change for sure. I am well able for burpees and stuff! It's a win for me! You see your body all the time so you don't see changes as much. I tried on clothes that were tight before and now fit so much better!!! 

    A win in my books!!! Sending love ❤️❤️❤️

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