Hi guys! I've been loving QDQ. This is with 3 or 4 QDQ a week, and cutting out rubbishhy snacks.
During IVF rounds my weight balooned and I need to keep it in control so that I can get mortgage insurance. (It's been a journey!)
I went from normal weight being a size 8 to being literally in the obese section of the BMI! ffs 😱
But now I'm slowely managing it back down to a healthy weight and I'l be forever grateful to MM. 😊
@Maeve Henderson oh my god queen YES!!!!! Well done on getting back on track with so so much hard things going on!!! Slowly but surely you'll see the changes xxx
@Carmel Mulvany Thanks Carmel! At least now I can loose it. This past month progress gave me SUCH a boost :) I hope you are enjoying QDQ too!!!!
@Maeve Henderson I am queen, i just love it!!!! ive been doing this for a year and the changes in me as a person and physically is amazing!!!! Once a queen, always a queen!!!! xx
@Maeve Henderson First of all, is that even a thing??? Your weight plays a part in getting mortgage insurance?? That's crazy! Secondly, congrats on your approach and mindset to your weight! So glad you've been able to see some results!! Maeve and QDQ is a total game-changer 💪
@Hannah Shackles It wasn't a thing until this year and covid. It's because you need life insurance to draw down the mortgage, so this article is a bit mis-leading because it was the insurer, not the bank, who put the breaks on her deal......https://www.irishtimes.com/news/ireland/irish-news/bank-refuses-to-release-mortgage-for-woman-deemed-at-higher-covid-risk-1.4517854
@Hannah Shackles And YES! QDQ is a game changer :)