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Queen WIN!! | MaeveMadden

Queen WIN!!

  • So the 12 week challenge is done and I've not yet done a workout this week....have I lost my queen spirit I hear you cry??!!  

    Heck no! Life has become so exciting in the past 2 weeks, my sister has been able to come home from Taiwan for the first time in 18 months, with my 5 year old nephew returning to me for lots and lots of owed auntie laulau cuddles and kisses.

    My parents have sold our childhood home in county Durham and will be moving to our village next week. This will be the first time in my adult life I will have my parents close enough to pop for a cuppa.

    The house they're moving into needs work, they're packing like crazy so today instead of sweaty 7s I painted their kitchen/dining room ceiling on my own, then all the walls. In total 6 hours of painting. I would have in past "exercise plans" seen this as a fail as I've missed a class. 

    Midday I had to down tools to go to my boys sports day. Watching with pride and cheering on. Next thing I knew it was mums race, both my boys ran and grabbed me to go represent them. It's my sons last year in primary and I have always said no, I cant. Not today queens...not today!! I took to that start line and ran my little legs off, no I didn't win. But I came 3rd out of 25 mums, ME, I mean check me out 🤣🤣 best bit was my boys running to me to tell me they were proud of me for trying so hard!

    Point of my post? I'm not entirely sure. Pride? achieving something I definitely didn't expect. Happiness, reassurance for myself, im just not sure. But for anyone doubting themselves or worrying for not going into the gym or doing a class thus week it's important to know queens life happens, you may miss a workout, but you may surprise yourself on how far you've come just by living your life. 💪


  • @Laura Wells Oh Laura,what a lovely post, I thought you were going to say the opposite and that something bad happened and you couldnt finish the callenge. Im so happy that your sister and nephew got to come home after so long away, you must be ecstatic! As Im sure they are too! And your parents moving closer aswell, you must be on top of the world. Its so nice to hear good news for a change. Yes you're right, life does get in the way and I think a lot of us beat ourselves up for missing a few workouts or not being in the position to do as many as we once would have during lockdown. We really shouldnt be so hard on ourselves because we know at the end of the day we havent given up, we are just taking a short step down for a bit to breath and enjoy life as it used to be and Queens dont Quit so we will be back burning our booties off before we know it! 😂

    My sister who I havent seen since before Christmas came down this week to visit and its been so nice having her here but I also feel myself silently worrying about missing workouts and I think I am on a bit of a come down from the challenge too that it feels unsettling not to be working my ass off every day. I know that I need this break though and I want to spend the time with my sister so I shouldnt be so hard on myself. 

    Well done on coming third in the race,especially when you werent prepared for it,thats an amazing achievement and even better that your boys were so proud of you,what a lovely thing to hear. 

    Painting is tough work on the arms, I did it a few months back aswell in my parents house and I was wrecked after it. Fair play to you and what a lovely thing to do for your parents aswell,eliminating some of the stress for them.

    It sounds like you have had a great few days. Keep up the positivity, it can be rare these days 💛

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