Hello queens, Hoping someone might be able to help me. I am currently signed up for a three-month subscription but would like to change that to a longer one. However, I am not sure how I do ...
Hello queens, Hoping someone might be able to help me. I am currently signed up for a three-month subscription but would like to change that to a longer one. However, I am not sure how I do ...
Hi Queens, Anyone else having issues with the Fireball 22 catch up today? It says it is up, but it will not let me click on it and watch it (I am able to watch others?) Than...
Hello Queens, I know this is mental health awareness week so I thought this may be a good time to share this with you all. I am a Docotrate Counselling Psychologist Trainee. I am curren...
@Maeve Madden thank you so much for the tips!!! I'm a bit nervous to try it out but I am also to pale for my liking😂😂
@Amber McElroy Thank you so much for this! Do you use a mit to apply it or just your bare hands??
Hello! I am in my second year as a doctoral psychologist student. I have really been struggling with doing everything online. I feel like all I do is look at my computer. Even with things op...
Hello Ladies, I have decided to bite the bullet and attempt to self-tan as I am pasty white. I was going to go with the brand our lovely Queen Maeve posted about today on insta. ...
Thank you so much! I might have to keep on eye out on Nike sale for the shoes!! I really need a good pair
Hello Ladies, Currently looking at getting some new leggins ans gym shoes for the workouts!!! Anyone have any recommendation for leggins and shoes? I really want to get...
This is amazing!!!! I suffer from pancake bum as well, but its slowly getting fluffier!!!! hahahah
I have been doing the spring queen challenge since the begininng! When I first began my only goals were to get "skinny." Which looking back I realise is an unhealthy goal to have. As the challenge ...
I cannot believe its 9 weeks already!!!!!! NEED to give it all I got with these next 12 days!!!! xx
Hellooo Queens, I am loving all the queen workouts so much that I try not to take a break from them hahahah. I always was told if you workout "too much" it can be bad for you and counter pro...