Hi Charlotte, Glad to hear you are doing better! I understand the lack of motivation after having time off. I moved during the summer and went back to the office after working from home for a year...
Hi Charlotte, Glad to hear you are doing better! I understand the lack of motivation after having time off. I moved during the summer and went back to the office after working from home for a year...
Hi Rachel, I find I'm in the exact same position as you. I started in January also. Previously I had been a gym goer, but still noticed a big improvement in my fitness level when I joined QDQ. Sam...
Hi Emma, Not sure about as far away as Dubai, but I havn't received my mat yet and I'm in Ireland - could just be delays across the board. Brexit caused an awful mess that way and things might jus...
Hi Lauren, I find that I can smash some core workouts and then completely fail at others. Give me crunches all day long but please don't ask me to do soulder taps 😂😂 I always just drop to beginne...
Aww thanks so much Maeve! That's great, sorry I didn't realise it was at the bottom of the page 🤡
Good morning Queens! Very excited for the Festival on Sunday. I was just wondering if anybody had the shopping list for the live breakfast? I may have accidentally deleted the newsletter where th...
Some weeks we blast the heck out of the workouts and sometimes we just need to give ourselves a break! Your not losing progress by missing a week here and there. Sometimes you need it to reset! Eve...
Such a lovely class this morning I was floating at the end. Haven't done yoga in a while and I used to do it daily. Was a great, relaxed class and forgot how much my body needed it! Joined Queens t...