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Day 3 Challenge! | MaeveMadden

Day 3 Challenge!

  • @Alice Keane I can confirm my arms are aching today! As@Maeve Madden says 'if it ain't hurtin, it ain't workin!' 😂

  • Just did yesterday's legs workout and omg my mat was like a bloody slip and slide!!! Sweeeaaaatttttyyyyy

  • @Katy Evans I decided to try shorts yesterday thinking I'd be a bit cooler (usually I wear leggings) .. but nope. It was actually worse as my legs were sweating and made the mat all slidey 🙈😂 

  • @Helen Madden I did it in my pants ahahahaha

  • @Marleta Bailie I did the sweaty sevens just now and enjoyed it. Yes, a different kind of burn but at least it highlights other areas that I can work on. I mean, who doesn't want toned arms?! 

  • Day 3 done loved the new songs and really enjoyed the floor routine... it’s great the way you mix things up so it not boarding 👑👑👑👑

  • @Helen Madden yas Helen, I really enjoy the sweaty 7s also for the reason. I dont think they are as fun but I defintley enjoy the challenge of getting it all done in 7-8 minutes.  Surprising the burn lol

  • @Alice Keane right Alice, I really missed the sweaty 7s, could believe I how much I struggled with the 3kg weights during lock down I had moved onto the 5kg 

  • @Marleta Bailie oh marleta, cleaning is a workout in itself lol 

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