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Mind muscle connection | MaeveMadden

Mind muscle connection

  • Hey Maeve, I find it really useful for my form when you mention during the workout what we should be focusing on e.g. during squats pushing through our heels to connect the glutes! Would love to work on this each workout to improve my form! Loved today - its was fire!

  • Hi Bronagh, awww thanks so much ill make sure to keep in mind to mention these things.  I have been recording some voice over stuff on single exercises to upload to the library, which is under construction atm.  

  • This is slightly off this topic, but also slightly not! When we do the punching movements with the alternate leg moving (I hope that makes sense), I initially found it really hard not to move right leg and right arm together and really had to concentrate to get left leg working with right arm. I did a course in physiology and the mind (cognition mostly) as part of my degree and read a lot of medical research about how babies who don't crawl face this problem (I didn't crawl) as children and into adulthood. If you are some one like me who finds it very hard to move different sides simultaneously, there is BAGS of research that exercises like those punch ones with the legs are really good for our cognitive function and energy levels! After a few months of doing these, I find it easier which means also that pathways between left and right in my brain in stronger. End result? Better problem-solving skills and faster information processing! Michigan State University article here if any one is interested. So, team queen is making us smarter to boot! Ihttps://www.canr.msu.edu/news/why_crawl

  • Anyone finding videos pausing and getting stuck on vimeo?


  • @Niamh Ó Grady mine was the past two days but gets back going again, I just free style for the inbetween 😁 is yours badly doing it, I was wondering if it was my internet xx


  • @Maeve Madden just seen someone mention Vimeo, it's not letting me resiger for it, Is it only for when ur live ? 

  • @Niamh O Grady mine has been like that since we went live but I did see an improvement today. 

  • @gemma o Connor I had same problem even downloaded the app but it wldnt let me join in with the chats. So I just use the main page on website so much easier. Maximise the screen for workout & minimise to comment. 

  • @Clare MacRory Wow this is amazing information! So interesting. Thanks for sharing.

  • Morning Team Queen 

    I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations on sore shins. Any ways I could eat the pain? 
    thank you 

  • @Clare MacRory I've been doing TQ workouts for a while and I really struggle with coordination! I've discovered that I have zero rhythm too. I do the worst YMCA and Pulp Fiction, Pulp Fiction 🙈😂😂

  • @Hope Glew  sore shins cld b one of 2 things. Firstly check how u r landing on ur feet. Always land toes first & then heel. Doing it this way helps to protect hips back & even neck. If landing to hard this cld also b cause of shin splints. Secondly r ur runners OK for the surface ur training on & is there enough support in them. When I get new runners I will always get shin splints for the first week of wearing them.

    Maeve has a very good stretch for shins. If u message her in chats 2moro she will demonstrate for u. 

    Hope this helps. 

  • @Rhiannon Howells keep at it! Co-ordination is one of my goals!

  • @Audrey Browne Thank you so much 

  • @Niamh Ó Grady no cant say I have!! 

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