Hi girls🤗
Just wondering what weights you generally used for lean legs/perky peach etc. Have weights but think I need to buy some heavier ones, especially for lower body strength sessions 🤗
Hi girls🤗
Just wondering what weights you generally used for lean legs/perky peach etc. Have weights but think I need to buy some heavier ones, especially for lower body strength sessions 🤗
@Aisling Barrett I use a 3kg and 6 kg as my form still stays good! I could prob increase though!x
@Aisling Barrett I use 4kg kettle bells. I have a 10kg kettle bell too for doing deadlifts 💪🏻
Thanks girls! Using 4kg or 5kg at the moment. Been doing the workouts since March so was thinking lately I might increase weights :)
Hi queens I usually use 5. I find even body weight with leg days hard....😂😂😂😂