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Weights! | MaeveMadden


  • Hi Queens, 

    Sorry if this has already been asked but I want to buy some weights, mainly for Sweaty 7s. I'm a newbie to the Sweaty 7's class so does anyone have any recommendations? Maybe a couple different weights to start off with? Type/how heavy etc? 

    Thanks x

  • @Kirsty Howe I have dumbbell sets which I love 💪🏻 I have 2kgs (which I only got recently), 3kgs and 5kgs. I find the lighter ones are good to add to some of the floor work (sit ups etc) during the workouts. For the sweaty 7s I alternate between my 3kg and 5kg weights depending how I'm feeling but sometimes my shoulder hurts from a previous injury so have to go easy with the 5s! Argos have lovely size & styles of weights even though they're hard to find these days ☹️, I got my 5s from Elverys.ie and I find them quite big to hold so looking for smaller style ones which might be easier to hold! 
    Hope this helps x

  • @Niamh Byrne That's really helpful - thank you!! x

  • @Kirsty Howe I've been working out at home for a while now, so I have 1kg, 2kg, 3kg and 5kg.

    I use the 1kg as some extra weight when punching, the 2/3kg for floor work and then either one or two of the 5kgs for other exercises depending on how strong I'm feeling!

    As a starter, I'd recommend getting 2 or 3kg and seeing how you go from there - I have these from Amazon, they grip really well and I like the colours 😊


    Good luck! X

  • Hi Girls,

    Im new here too :)

    atm im struggling to find dumbells that are in stock! Any recs on household items i could use that is heavier than 1kg? x


  • Hi @Kirsty Howe - never be afraid to ask something, even if you think it might have been covered before, as there is a lot in the forum! So what I have is Body Sculpture 19KG Smart Dumbbell Tower Set (I got mine through Littlewoods for €55 but I had a quick look and it is sold out there, but seems to be available in a few other sites). It comes with 6 dumbbells- 1.5KG, 3KG, and 5KG as well as a stand for them (the stand is VERY wobbly, but more or less does the job, and helps keep them a bit neater as my "home gym" is also my "home office") For me I have found them to be a great bargain for that number of weights and the use I have gotten out of them, it means I have a range depending on the workout, and the ability to progress depending on my ability, so I would recommend them. 


  • @Kirsty Howe I got some 2kgs on decathalon seems impossible to get any 3s at the min 🙊 hope u get sorted 🤗

  • @Sharon Scully Thanks for letting me know. I will have a look at that! 

    @Leonie Mcnulty I did manage to grab some 3kgs last minute at Argos. You have to put them in the basket and just refresh the page over a day or so and they weirdly popped up. They do have all the other weights there too from 1-5kg but not much luck getting them yet so may look into Sharon's suggestion.

    Thanks again everyone! x

  • @Kirsty Howe Where are you based? Elvery's in Ireland have some of the individual Body Sculpture dumbbells available online for decent price:



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