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Spring Challenge Goals | MaeveMadden

Spring Challenge Goals

  • Hi Queens!

    I have actually been a member since August but I haven't plucked up the courage to post anything yet... I am hoping it will keep me more accountable and motivated as I have been leaving my workouts to the end of the week and not feeling my best. I tend to do the workouts after the lives and just did my first for the spring challenge: all out legs..... let me tell you I'm all out of leg now!! I am hoping to get to a point where I have the energy to get up and out after the workouts so I can do them in the mornings. But I will see you in the lives on weekends!

    My goals for the challenge are:

    - Improve my energy levels by starting the day strong and fueling myself properly

    - Get 7-9 hours of sleep 5 nights a week (I will defo struggle with this)

    - Do 50:50 intermediate:advanced moves in the workouts by the end of the challenge.

    Hopefully these goals help me get more out of the workouts and feel stronger and more confident... Covid has given me a good excuse for not joining fitness classes but if I'm honest I have been avoiding them anyway. I want the confidence to join the surfing society's fitness circuits if they ever start up again!

  • These are great goals lizzie, they will for sure keep you more accountable. The lives are always great fun and the all out legs from monday was fab i am only today able to sit down on the toilet properly haha. xxx

  • I'm with Evie - these are awesome goals, Lizzie!! Sounds like you know exactly what you want to achieve. I have no doubt you're going to nail it Queen!!! 👸😘💪

    PS yup I'm still aching from legs day too 🤣

  • @Lizzie O Good on you! It can be hard to post sometimes, but also it can be a good way to try feel a bit more accountable by putting it into words- but also know you have the support of a whole community behind you! Sounds like really sensible goals, and that's the main thing- we all could do a stupid crash diet and ridiculous workouts for hours but this is more about a lifestyle change! Once you do your best to get into a routine and be consistent with it I guarantee you will see the progress bit by bit, which will enourage you even more. Always here if you need to reach out, if you get lost- or if you are delighted withself and wanna shout about it!!! Here's to the Spring challenge!!!

  • @Evie Linnane 😂 I definitely experienced this for a couple of days after!! ouch!! I hope it gets better each time we do it.... and then we'll have to push even harder to get that fire back!

  • @Sharon Scully You're so right! Being part of a community is much more sustainable. I'm still wandering in and out of routine though.... any tips?

  • @Lizzie O For me what helps is always wanting to make the workouts that I love- so I am working hard on my legs so I will always do Lean Legs and Perky Peach. I LOVE Combat Queens on Tuesday. So already with that I would have met the three workouts for the challenge. I also want to work on my strength too though, so I do Sweaty 7s too. The best thing is everything is available in the library, so it's not like you can so oh dear I missed the live, oh well that's that workout missed. What you prefer could be entirely different, and don't forget there is the likes of the yoga, pilates etc and maybe they are more what you like

    Maeve wrote a good blog (in the blog section in the tab up the top) about what classes are best for what goal, which is worth a read too. 

    For me this is the most positive way of getting in to a routine, I plan my week ahead (did you notice that you can now put them into your calendar, so if you have them in there and get the notification that might motivate you into joining once you see that) so then am looking foward to the classes I'm going to do cos I know I enjoy them!

    Hope that is of some help- always here if you want to reach out, or you can even send me a message direct, I can be your cheerleader buddy!!!

  • @Sharon Scully Omg such a detailed reply, thank you so much!! You're right it is so much easier to be motivated for the classes on here than going to the gym for example and you know what the calendar idea should help me a lot! I tend to be busy from 8:30 or 9 most weekdays so I rarely get on the lives but I think I'll start scheduling when I plan to catch up on them myself.... I'll let you know how it goes for next week! I think my favourite classes are the cardio ones and lower body, I have so much progress to make with my arms lol, only way is up!!!  

  • @Lizzie O @Sharon Scully Sharon great advise I always plan out my week on a Sunday evening too so I know which days I'm working out and also what workouts I'm doing.

    Two other things that help me are saying "I am doing (x) workout tomorrow in the morning/afternoon" instead of saying "I'll do (x) workout tomorrow if I feel like it". I know it sounds silly but by saying I am instead of maybe, I always complete the workout! The second thing I find that helps is I layout my workout clothes the day before so when I wake up they're ready to go-and seeing them motivates me to logon and start the workout 😁

    Hope my tips help too and good look with your goals might have to add a few of them to my list too! 👑

  • @Karyn Mannion For sure! Speaking it into existence works!! I LOVE that idea haha, I love some of my work out gear and that will definitely be motivating haha! It's a shame most days I have to wake up and put on a roll neck jumper and plain trousers </3 if only I could spend all day in bright lycra !!

  • @Lizzie O that would be the dream 😂

  • @Lizzie O I take requests for advice very seriously, and I also like to talk!!!! I rarely used to join the lives but would always catch up later on in the day, and I found it easier to plan if I did the workout that had been live that day, so Monday was always Legs etc. Just that bit of continuity and order helps for me, and like what Karyn says having it in your head as being a definite commitment, not as a maybe I will. 

    We are mostly all with ya on the arms, they are always an area that could do with a work upon, but like even in a hiit or cardio class Maeve tends to include other elements so like abs, or arms etc are involved, and that's party of the beauty of the classes that so many body parts are being engaged!

    Hope you manage to find your rhythm! Like I said - always here if you need a dig-out! 

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