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Advice for a Queen | MaeveMadden

Advice for a Queen

  • Hey Gals,

    I am new here to team queens.,, I would describe my ability as intermediate, I am well able to do all of the legs and arms exercises, have been a regular gym goer for 2 years  but always struggle when we hit the Mat for core and find myself doing the beginner moves! Is this a nutrition problem? My core is not the strongest!

    All advice welcome x


  • @Sinead Courtney I don't think it is a nutrition problem. It is probably just because you need to build upon your core strength. Everybody's body is different. Some days I am dying doing the core workout. Some days I can't do all the advanced moves. I try to challenge myself everyday by doing the more advanced reps. Some days I can only do a few. But that's ok. I'm pushing myself and I'm getting stronger. 👑🔥🌶️💙

  • I can't really give any advice but I'm the same. I'm advanced/intermediate on all the songs but my core is definitely my weakest point. I think my lower back isn't very strong so find moves like leg raises etc difficult whereas sit ups and bicycles I'm strong in as they are the exercises you tend to do in traditional gym classes. I definitely think you get stronger over time and it may just be a case of needing to do the exercises over a long period of time. 

    I can hold planks for so much longer now as I used to really struggle at the beggining with them. 

    Hopefully someone else will be able to give you proper advice though. 

  • @Amy Johnston I actually agree with you. I have bad lower back strength, I hurt it last year (totally fine now), I just probably need to be consistent and I'll see improvements. My plank is ok, bar if you ask me to add in shoulder taps and I can do sit ups.., not a lot in one go but I do them .. think I am probably impatient and hard on myself 😅


  • @Sinead Courtney hey Queen,  I think core strength is something that just has to be worked on to build it up!!!! The barre and pilates are super for making core stronger and keep at the other classes too, you will notice a huge improvement soon!! X

  • @Sinead Courtney same sinead! Definitely just needs to be worked on, even since week 1 in January I've noticed a huge difference in my ability with the core stuff but am still mainly doing beginners moves! Keep at it 🤩👏 

  • @Sinead Courtney Hey queen! I have good days and bad days with the core sections for sure! Just try to be kind to yourself, gotta be patient with core. Build it up, stick to the beginners moves until you feel it a bit stronger and then maybe add in a couple of the intermediates in, then gradually you'll add more of the harder moves. 

    That being said the beginner moves definitely still give a buuuuuuurnnnn 🔥 either way you're smashing it because you're giving it a go!! 



  • To be honest I would be super concerned about the sit ups.., The main reason I do the situps is becuase most people feel they are not working their core if they are not doing a situp so I always add one in but in reality they are not necessary.  Weak hips, a weak core and back can be a reason that you struggle to lift yourself however I much rather work on our transverse abs, which is that deep core tissue where the strength really happens.

    Exercises like plank, side plank, mountain climbers, push ups, hip drops, bird dogs, dead bugs, leg raises are all far superior to the sit up and over time you can build these up... Remember we are all beginners in the beginning.  I would also focus more on using weights in the sweaty 7s classes where the core is engaged these weighted classes will actually build your core up way more than a crunch 

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