Hey Queens!
I'm currently 4 exams in with another 4 to go of my final medical school exams, eeek! I've had exams since January and I don't stop until half way through March so it's really starting to drag. Stuck in my student flat and can't go home to see my mum & family and can't see my boyfriend because my flat mates don't want to form a bubble (boooo) but on the whole everything is grand (apart from the wifi which decided it wanted to cut out during my online consultation exam...).
Anyway, I started off the year great with a fabulous study routine with down time and exercise planned in. But now... motivation is going! I just got my first job as a junior doctor to start in August pending passing my exams which should be spurring me on but it's not quite doing the trick. More and more, I'm finding myself distracted or finishing working earlier each day. I'm still exercising loads (like at least 2 classes a day) and I'm doing self-care stuff in the evenings but I just don't know what more to do?
Any advice from you lovely lot? Maybe I just need a stern talking to from my mum....
Hope you're all well too!
Much Queening love,
Erin x
Wow honey you're superwoman! Juggling all of that I'm not surprised you're struggling.
I think there is something in the air at the moment (and I don't mean Covid haha), I think Lockdown has kicked us all and motivation is lacking. I always find giving myself a break helps - no classes, no work, no pressure! Even if it's just a day to kick start you back again.
You've come this far - you've got this!! As life changes routines need to change too & the adjustment period is the hardest - don't put too much pressure on yourself!
Let me know how you get on & Good Luck with your exams! xxx
@Tori Clarke Thank you so much! I've an exam Monday morning but think I might try taking the whole day off afterwards. If the weather is nice, might try a nice long walk x
@Erin Cooper Wow Erin it sounds like your up to your eyeballs with work. I am in my first year of college and I know what you mean in regards to exams and just not motivated to study even though you know its important. A few things I try to do is take a break every chance I get between lectures to go for a walk around the house and I come back feeling a bit more focused. If I have classes late in the evening I try and have to something to look forward to (almost like a reward for getting through the day of lectures) and that can be anything from making a nice dinner or facetiming my friends.
I know its hard at the moment but It will be so worth it come August :)
@Erin Cooper Hey Erin, I'm in my 3rd year of college at the minute and I completely get you! I have so many assignments and submissions due, usually at least one a week but I just can't seem to give myself the kick.
I feel like thinking of the end result helps, how relieved and happy we'll be when we get our results and are happy with them. I feel like that's the feeling I try think about when I'm trying to get myself to study!
At the same time we have to mind ourselves, the circumstances we're in at the minute are crazy and we have to give ourselves some credit. I find calling one of my close friends from my course on FaceTime helps because we can discuss what we're doing and how we're feeling about certain modules. I feel like that interaction is one thing I miss from being on campus like just being able to discuss things with friends and help each other out.
It'll all be worth it in the end queen, I always try manage things in small manageable chunks and set small achievable goals. It's so hard at the minute but we'll get there 💕x
Thank you so much Queens! Going to nip to the shops today to get some treats to look forward to. Hope you're all ok and good luck with your studies too! We've got this x
Try setting up a study schedule giving yourself lots of breaks in between. It is very hard to stay motivated to do loads during this time. Look at all you have done and achieved. Applaud yourself for that firstly. Work the workouts around the study perhaps. Maybe if u do one in the morning and then you set yourself a time frame of study afterwards. Then have a break in there too. Maybe include a walk or a beginner Queen Class so that way u might go back fresh to the study again.