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Take me to the clouds above | MaeveMadden

Take me to the clouds above

  • Argh this song - Take me to the clouds above by LMC - has just come on the radio and Im convined we do a routine to it but i can't remember it and it's driving me mad :)

    Can anyone remind me - it might be a Sweaty Sevens.... @Maeve Madden 

  • @Sarah Buttimer yeah either sweaty 7s or spicy circuits (or maybe both!)

  • @Sharon Scully I pretty much died after doing Spicy circuits once and haven't been brave enough to try it again :)

  • @Sarah Buttimer OMG yeah it is a challenging class!! When we get the new schedule you should definitely give it a try again, you'll be stronger and fitter again now and I find it's the type of class that you settle into after you do it a time or 2 (I died the first class too!) 

  • @Sarah Buttimer I love how all the songs mean so much to us....🤣🤣🤣

  • @Carmel Mulvany Bongo Song came on the radio Friday night and I swear I was this close to breaking into burpees on the kitchen floor!!!! 

  • @Sarah Buttimer Boom Boom came on the radio the other day and I couldn't help but start saying "single, single, give me double, double"😂

  • @Sharon Scully 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 cud you  how funny that wud be....I've done done moves for kids randomly in kitchen....they think I'm mad 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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