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Finally back and feeling it! | MaeveMadden

Finally back and feeling it!

  • Hey queens! I did Maeves machine guns from last week....have been out for a while with sickness so wanted to start with my favourite! Could not drag myself out of bed for the alarm, which I have named 'Maeve says get up!!!!' but felt so guilty, I got up 20 mins later and did my workout!

    Feel good now, definitely can see the decline in my strength and I'm rushing to do the school run now so I'll definitely be doing the live tomorrow!!

    Hopefully the arms will be up for all the ironing I have to do today🙈😆😆

  • Happy to hear you are feeling better!!

  • @Krissy Froelich thank you! You were injured too, how are you now? Have you started back?

    Did the live at 7am, wow my fitness has dipped a lot🙈

  • @Melissa Reilly awwww thank you for asking!  My leg is getting a lot better-I've been sticking to Pilates and I honestly think it has helped me to recover!

    And you'll get back to where you were-it was important for you to let your body rest so that could get better!

  • Ladies I just want to say well done! I'm recently back also after an injury (double ankle fracture, fell down the stairs at easter right into all the eggs!😂) and bereavement of a loved one. I know how hard it is to put yourself back out there and get going again (especially if the fitness isn't where it was)  and honestly, you're smashing by just showing up! Sending some good vibes and happy thoughts your way. Have a fantastic week ladies! 

  • @Krissy Froelich oh I'm glad you found something you can still do, it really helps the head aswell as the body!

    You are absolutely right about taking the time to rest, I did one other workout after this and I really wasnt ready. It was hiit i think, where the upper body was slow and steady, I definitely wasnt ready for hiit🙈 so I rested the rest of the week. I feel like I'm missing out big time especially on the challenge, but I've had a chest infection so no jumping round for me!!

    Going to try weights or pilates this week to ease me back in! 

  • @Kate Farrelly oh you've had such a difficult time, I'm sorry. It's so hard to get back into it and even when your intentions are good, the physical motion of putting on the runners and starting it, can be so hard.

    I did try to start back last week but it was too soon and I couldn't breathe so I listened to my body and rested! I'm going to do like Krissy and try some pilates this week!

    Take it easy with your ankle, it's going to be weak for a while....I fractured mine 2 years ago, jumped out of bed and slipped on the floor🙈 I had a sick child and was delirious for sleep!!! Ended up in a boot for 6 weeks, but it takes time for it to be strong again, mind yourself xx

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