Completely un fitness related... Although this did derail my healthy eating due to stress eating buttery toast!
So myself and my husband share one car. We have done for the last ten years or so because we use to both be able to walk to work in the week so what was the point of two cars sat still 5 days a week. My hubby is a car enthusiast and while our current car is not overly flash (it's a 12 plate BMW 5 series) he likes to keep it in good condition.
We've now moved house and are still managing with the one car but it's mainly me driving.
So yesterday, my sister in law is going away for a week and offered to loan us her car which hubby decided would be a good idea, just incase he needs to go to a business meeting next week. He bought it home last night and parked it in the corner of the driveway, at the far end of the entrance (for clarity you could probably fit 3 cars at a push down the length of our drive and then it has a turn in point that you could fit another two cars in, snug).
We left for work this morning, in our car and I drove home at lunch to let the dog out as usual.
Only what I usually do when I come home at lunchtime, is reverse straight back up the driveway and leave the car at the top, rather than turning in to the top bit.
You can guess what happened... I reversed in and *crunch! *... Totally forgot the car was there. Wasn't looking behind because I know the length of my driveway and I just stop when I get passed the narrow part of the drive.
Nothing is cracked but there's a few scuff marks on both cars and what looks like the indent of our exhaust pipe on her bumper. F*ck.
Told husband. He is very not happy.
Drove back to work and went to park... Parking sensors aren't working.
Double f*ck.
Told husband..... Am fully in dog box, he is fuming and I feel terrible.
Horrible day. If anyone has the reset button could you press it so I can try again??
Just venting really but does anyone else have an other half who gets super angry about stuff like this? (if it was just my car I wouldn't give a toss if I had scuffed it, I would just feel bad for hitting the other car. To me, cars are just tools to get from a to b)