Hi Ladies, if your group is still open please add me in 🙏🏻 Need all the motivation I can get! My handle is @niamhh_foley ❤️
Hi Ladies, if your group is still open please add me in 🙏🏻 Need all the motivation I can get! My handle is @niamhh_foley ❤️
Hi Carmel! I feel your pain 😢 really small things that help comfort my belly sometimes are a hot shower/bath and a hot water bottle. They're not a solution but just something to make you feel a lit...
Hey Caoimhe 👋🏻 I know exactly what you mean 😂 I nearly always save spicy circuits and do that on a Tuesday morning so I get the kick I need to keep going! Maybe you already do that on a Mond...
Thanks everyone 🙏🏻 I hate resting so it's so frustrating 😂 fingers crossed it will improve otherwise I'll definitely be off to a doctor or physio in the next day or two so I can be back at it asap ...
Hi Everyone, I'm loving the workouts and hoping someone on here can help me out! I injured myself last week, not sure how! But under my arm next to my chest (think it's called the serratus a...