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Sweaty hair don’t care! | MaeveMadden

Sweaty hair don’t care!

  • Hi girls, is anyone else finding they have to wash their hair after every workout because it's a sweaty mess? lol I don't really want to wash my hair this often as it can't be good for it plus I'm hoping to do the workouts really early before work when I go back next week. If I have to wash my hair everyday i will have to leave a lot of time for this as my hair is really thick and long.

    Any tips would be really appreciated!


  • @Orla Hi Orla 😊 I'm the same i have very long thick hair and its absolutely dripping after the workouts it drives me mad 😔 I hate not washing it because it feels disgusting but its defo not good for it washing it so often either! 🙈😂

    I find if u spray a little dry shampoo all over your roots before the workout it doesnt get so bad, look like a mad woman bouncing around with a big white head but it kinda works 😂

    Would love if someone else had some good tips 😊 This heat isn't helping lately 🥵

  • @Orla I have the same problem. I find it's not as bad when I wear a sweat band around my head, it does soak up quite a lot. Also maybe just wash the sweat out with water, rather than doing a full wash. Or blow dry it out, I used to do that when I was working in the office. 

  • @Orla Hi queen ahhhhh looking after the crown is sooooo frustrating with the sweat.  I plan my washes around the workouts so, I usually do a wednesday afternoon and saturday morning wash, if its really bad ill do tuesday wash.. I also blast dry with cold air after the workouts and that does help 

  • @Orla I have the same problem. I end up washing my hair with just water most days though and only shampoo it once/twice a week because I was shampooing every day because my hair does be DRIPPING!!

  • Thanks girls! I'll definitely give some of these tips a go! 😊👍

  • @Louise Hegarty I must give the dry shampoo a shot! If it means not having to wash this mane as much I'll risk the white roots look! lol Thanks a million! 

  • @Maeve Madden This is a great idea! Thanks Maeve!

  • @Orla pop me an email maeve@84world.com and we will send you a sample of a great dry shampoo I like to use 

  • Aw thanks Maeve! Will do! x

  • @Orla Hello!!! I had same problem and I was shampooing everyday then I noticed that I was loosing too much hair. So now I decide to wash only 2 times a week and the rest of the time I keep my hair in a nice braid. I would like to give a try to dry shampoo... if you try it let me know! 

  • @Orla There is a dry shampoo for dark hair. I have black hair and I use the Lee Stafford one specifically for dark hair. 

  • I use a dry shampoo after the work out and I also use a hair perfume. 

  • Hey girls Im working full time every day so I have to use my lunch breaks to wash my hair if it's very bad 😂 but I blast dry it after the workouts with cold air and spray with some dry shampoo. I try to only wash twice a week cos I've a mane and a half 😂😂😂

  • This is the one I use

  • Has anyone used the Bumble and Bumble after workout dry shampoo? It's meant to be specifically for sweaty hair. I'm thinking of investing but it's expensive enough!

  • @Vicky Baker I tried blasting it with cool air today! Definitely helped a bit! In my head I know it's sweaty though lol so def think a wee spritz of dry shampoo will help! I'm back to work next week and if I do workouts before work I would need to leave a lot of time to dry my thick mop! lol I've been going to gym for years and never sweated like I do during Team Queen workouts! 😊👸

  • Hi everyone! ... my hair is such a sweaty mess at the moment after the workouts. Worse this week with the heat! I can't wash my hair everyday as it's red and hair dye comes out each time I wash it, so I try and limit to 2 x a week. I'm lucky that I'm working from home and don't have much of a social life at the moment 😂 .. I took Maeves tip and blast it with the hair dryer, dry shampoo and then tie up in a messy bun until wash day.. it feels minging but washing every day is so bad for my hair x 

  • Hi girls, just wanted to let anyone who's struggling with sweaty disgusting hair that this product is a game changer! It's way better than my normal dry shampoo which I didn't feel was helping with the sweat, as the new one is designed for after a workout. A little bit goes a long way and I got the mini to try out first as it's spenny for a dry shampoo! I sprayed a little bit in the roots and left it to air dry before brushing through and I can honestly wear my hair down for the day after, it feels so clean! 

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