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Heal relationship with food | MaeveMadden

Heal relationship with food

  • Hi queens, looking for some advice! I really struggle with a bad relationship with food and can't find a balance ! Has anyone any tips on how to change your mindset and heal your relationship with food! I love exercising and doing the team queen workouts! I tend to eat healthy all day and I love healthy food I just love all the other stuff just as much! Since my last pregnancy 3 years ago I have gained maybe close to 2 stone ! Every Monday I start with the great mindset that this week will be different an then come the weekend I Ruin it all an the scales then don't move ! I really am desperate to get back to where I was... a few years ago I had that balance, didn't calorie count or restrict myself but I can't seem to get back there ! Any tips would be great. Thanks queens xxxx

  • Oh @Niamh Roche I think we can all relate to your experience, and it isn't easy!  First of all give yourself credit for doing Team Queen and trying to do a change and congrats on being a Mama Queen! I think sometimes we take the big change we've all made for granted.  I keep a diary where I write down all the positive changes I'm doing every day I deliberately say 'positive' rather than 'healthy'- so for example today I've written: Hydration, Vitamins, Fruit Bowl, Walk (which are good thing I've done today).  I do this every day and then review at the end of the month, and it makes me focus on all the positive things I've done and also helps shift that feeling of 'good' and 'bad' foods etc.  Some days I'll write down the fact I only had one Dairy Milk rather than six 😂 I also dont use scales anymore, I prefer photos as I think they give a more accurate view!  So maybe try starting a journal, and ditch the scales! Good luck, Queen!x

  • Hello queen,

    everything starts from our brain. But of course you can start from the grocery list.

    Try to make good and healthy choices before you go to the supermarket. Do not make yourself struggling too much and allow yourself to have something that you really like during the week. I had many phases in my life and now I feel more conscious. 

    If you need some tips regarding portions or healthy delicious alternative let me know and I will share with you some of my healthy choices. 

    Have a great day!!!

  • @Suzie McDonald thanks so much for your reply ! Means a lot ! Having just one dairy milk bar is definitely an achievement 😂 mama queen? I love that! I have kept a gratitude journal maybe I'll add in a 'positives of the day' I need to learn to be able to just have the one bar the one packet of crisps and not restrict an then maybe I won't go crazy on the weekend ! 🥰 what vitamins are you taking ? X 

  • @Valeria Lorgio thanks valeria!! I no it's mind over matter really. I just have to figure out that balance where I'm not restricted and can enjoy treats without over doing it with them ! I would absolutely love to hear some of your healthier choices. I'd really appreciate that. Doesn't help that my partner can eat what he likes and remains the same size 😂 xx

  • @Niamh Roche Hey! I also struggle with the same thing and I've realised that it probably stems from my childhood. My parents aren't what you call the healthiest of people so we'd have lots of oven meals and treats were always in the house. I remember being young and sneaking treats into my room as well! 

    I think I'll always be working on balance and rather than call them 'treats' I'm working on them being part of my diet so I'll give myself 20% of my daily intake to whatever I want to eat, so be it chocolate, cake etc. It's still a massive struggle for me but I'm being more mindful. I'm also trying to work on eating them in the middle of the day so I get out of the habit of sitting in the evening and mindlessly raiding the jar! I'm eating carrots and houmous instead at that time! My partner also eat whatever he likes and is only a few pounds heavier than me! 😮 

  • @Niamh Roche I take a general multi-vitamin I get from a homepathic guy back home in Armagh for me!  However, I think I saw a seperate thread on the forum for this!x

  • @Michelle Robertson omg 100% as kids we always all sat watching tv with treats. My parents were the same and didn't know much about nutrition themselves. We grew up on sugar really, sugary cereal , so called healthy juices and breakfast bars. 

    just feels like a constant battle sometimes, like two voices in my head, one saying 'ah treat yourself' or 'your fine the way you are' and the other voice that says 'you can do this' and 'do this for your health'


    i want to be fitter, stronger and able to keep up with my kids. I used to be a size ten I'm now maybe 12-14. I had way more energy and felt so much lighter! I no I can get back to that place ! With all this help from fellow queens 🥰🥰🥰

  • @Niamh Roche For example I do not use sugar in any drink but if I wanna use it I put stevia instead. I prefer dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate! Try a base plant milk, I love almond milk and oat milk. As a snack try dried figs and walnuts. Preferably Cook your food in the oven and I bought a air frier, I no longer eat fries and I guess is healthier also for the children... I prefer to eat sweet potatoes which is better than normal potatoes. And as@Maeve Madden always says drink a lot of water... at least 2 litres a day will keep you hydrated and less hungry! 
    Many times we eat what we are use to... 

    As an Italian I was not used to eat eggs for breakfast but since I moved to Kuwait I love to eat eggs for my breakfast with avocado or sweet potatoes. 
    I love sweet but I try to eat them before 6pm better during the morning. 
    I hope this will give you some ideas! 

  • @Niamh Roche I can 100% relate to this! Food is something i've struggled with for a long time. That constant guilt of having something 'naughty'. I work in a GP's and started my masters just when lockdown kicked in here in Ireland and honestly I think it's made me realise that food is what I turn to when I'm emotional. Its like a comfort blanket. I've definitely improved over the last few months. I think staying active with Team Queen has helped me so much. I also have tried to go for walks in the evening (which was definitely the main time I'd hit the food press). Listening to a podcast really helps. I love the likes of Brian Keane, The Trisha and Dan Show, Bite Back with Roz Purcell. They all promote such a positive mindset when it comes to food and exercise! 💛 

  • @Niamh Roche Can totally relate to this as I have struggled with binge eating on and off over the years. I would definitely recommend throwing away or hiding the scales. You can end up having a really toxic relationship with them which will only make you feel worthless. Your weight changes all the time and you might be gaining muscle from the workouts as well. Try to take each day as it comes and don't put too much pressure on yourself each Monday to have a "good week". I also agree with @Suzie McDonald  focus on positives rather than getting yourself down over "negatives". The things that will motivate you the most are the small things that make you feel good about yourself like how much stronger or more energised you feel and the fact you're continuing to do these workouts. 

  • @Suzie McDonald Suzie I've never heard such brilliant advice... something I'm going to start doing today xxx

  • @Andrea Clancy You are so welcome, Andrea!

  • @Valeria Lorgio thank u so much. I also use the air fryer which is so handy! I have a very sweet tooth I wil try a few different dark chocolate to see what I like the most ! 

    I really appreciate your advice 🥰 have an amazing Friday ! X

  • @Jessica Doherty ah thanks so much! Ye I'm such an emotional eater and lockdown didn't help with that either! If I have a crappy day I 100% reach for food and just say feck the diet feck everything! I really need to work on that! 
    also when I'm controlling my foods I just hate feeling hungry even if I'm Counting 1700-1800 cals a day, some days I could still feel hungry and thats just makes me miserable! I love a good podcast so i will definitely get stuck into them xx 

  • @Amy Johnston thank you! I too have struggling with BED, have u overcome that ? I'm definitely gonna focus on positive and try to not over obsess on the food. I feel like I think of food from the minute I wake until I go to bed. Planning lunch while having breakfast etc.. 

  • @Niamh Roche  I know what you mean about the battle in your head as I am the same - I know what I supposed to do but deep ingrained habits are so hard to break. We can do this! 💪👸 

  • @Niamh Roche Yeah I suffered with BED for years. It's still there in the back of my mind and I relapse sometimes when Im stressed or anxious but I'm nowhere near as bad as I used to be. I still think about food a lot too but not as obsessive. I'd say one of the best things is to let the closest people to you know that you're struggling - I know it can feel embarassing/shameful but it helps.

    If others know they might not buy in trigger foods as often and can hide some from you if need be (ie if you buy a multipack of dairy milk take one and they can hide the rest). If you want to have a snack after dinner then go for the smaller option to prevent a possible binge. It's so tempting when it works out cheaper to buy a bigger bag or multipack but if it's in the house you're more likely to eat it in one sitting. Also that way you enjoy the treat you've bought and are satisfyed because you know it's finished - rather than thinking about what else is in the cupboard while you're eating it. Also dont feel guilty for eating treats - you're allowed to enjoy them! If you go out for lunch and have a cake with friends don't think "well I've ruined it now, I might as well eat an entire cake when I get home". You'll end up just feeling miserable.

    Eating more substantial meals that fill you up will take away some cravings also. When you're constantly thinking of restricting your calories you'll never feel full and are more likely to binge. I consciously don't count calories anymore and just focus on eating healthy meals. A meal that has higher calories than you expect but is full of protein, veggies etc that fills you up is better than eating a pretty salad then a massive bag of crisps and a tub of ice cream that have no nutritional value whatsoever. 

    Sorry feel like I've rambled on but I hope some of that helps. It takes a while to get out of habits and horrible mindsets but you'll get there :)

  • @Amy Johnston  thanks so much for your comment ! Yeah I went to one gp before and she actually said ' just try not eat as much ' 🤨 I'm working so hard on it daily and I'm so fed up of thinking about food constantly. Thinking of trying therapy for it! I just get so annoyed at myself for slipping when I'm training so well and eat so healthily for it to be ruined. Then I get the whole 'whats the point' mentality.  I listen to so many podcasts and read so many books to try change my way of thinking and understand BED ! Today was a good day though I listened to my body and ate when I needed too and stopped when I was full ! Which is defiantly a plus for me . I tried some Lindt dark chocolate as@Valeria Lorgio   Said to try and I had two squares out with my herbal tea and only ate one square because it was quite luscious whereas sometimes I would just continue eating an not stop x 

  • @Jessica Doherty I'm really enjoying these podcasts thanks so much for recommending them xx

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