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Knee Pain | MaeveMadden

Knee Pain

  • Ladies having knee pain you may be lifiting weights that are too heavy! I experienced this before. Try a lighter weight or no weight and build your way up to the heavier weights. 

  • Soft knees is also very important. I have hypermobility in my knees so I'm hyper aware (no pun intend) of keeping my knees soft when doing any form of exercise.

  • I have had a lot of knee pain recently from doing HIIT and lunges so I went to the physio who told me I wasn't engaging my glutes at all! She told me to really focus on squeezing them and do glute exercises (glute bridges, single leg raises and crab walks)

  • @Caitriona Lyons yes!! Soft knees are so important!

  • @Isabelle Ward another thing is to make sure you have the correct form!! I used to hurt during squats because my form was incorrect!!

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