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Clean Queens | MaeveMadden

Clean Queens

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  • @Rebecca Mulcahy Heya Queen, well done to u for getting back on the Venga Bus. I know it can be disenheartening not seeing results as fast as we wld like. But hang on in there doll it will happen when u least expect it. For me it took longer than I expected but I finally started seeing results, down weight which I still maintain but its inches I'm losing now so very happy about that. U will see from previous topics on the forum the majority of us have given up stepping on the scales (aka the bitch) as it can stress u out & we're more about losing inches. So I wld say to u, take measurements of urself even now as we still have 4 wks of challenge left & u never know when u measure again u might get a little surprise. Just remember that the whole process is Healthy Diet 80% & Exercise is 20%. So honestly Rebecca stick with it u will get there. Also Maeve only gave up the Coke Zero she still has her Prosexy 😂. Enjoy ur journey Queen & make sure to keep us updated. We're all in it together Rebecca. 👑👑👑❤️❤️❤️

  • I am 100% in the same boat Rebecca! My work schedule has changed 3 times in the last 3 months. I'm really struggling to stick to a routine and stay motivated. The Christmas challenge is helping keep me on track. Some days I feel really strong then the next I feel weak, jiggly and unfit. Either way I haven't seen a different in the mirror. Sticking with it and hoping to see a change soon or at least feel more consistently fit

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  • @Rebecca Mulcahy awh I hear ya queen, d food and alcohol is so hard for me too! I totally agree with audrey,  measurements and pics are the best way to see change. I need to stop the takeouts and sweets big time. Gonna start as I need to take more care of myself!! Hope you have a good wk queen xx

  • @Rebecca Mulcahy I feel the exact same, the sweets and take aways are my biggest downfall! I'm not seeing great results but this is the first time in a long time I actually enjoy working out and look forward to It! If this year has taught me anything it's taught me that we need to enjoy ourselves and be kind to ourselves . Maybe think of all the moves/ exercises you can do now that you couldn't in September and take that as an achievement x 

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