Hi Queen!
I can understand your frustration but first of all congratulations on your improved fitness! What a great achievement! It's so important to remember that weight does fluctuate it can be from muscle gain, hormones or water retention (which can be caused by the foods we eat, salt, intense exercise and hormones). Have you noticed any difference in how your clothes fit? this can be a really positive way of measuring progress.
I don't personally advise calorie counting as everyone is so individual there really isn't any one number that works for everyone!
If you are looking to make a healthy lifestyle change my top 3 tips would be
1) Plan your meals - 3 healthy meals a day with the focus on Protein, Vegetables and a small portion of carbohydrate. 1/4 plate protein, 1/4 plate carbohydrate and 1/2 plate of veg (as a rough guide) and then a portion of healthy fat so a tsp of oil, a small handful of nuts or some avocado.
2) Plan your snacks and have them available so your not tempted to reach/buy. Some ideas are a piece of fruit, greek yogurt, oatcakes and nut butter, homemade protein balls, carrots and hummus, etc (Remember Portion Control). Ask yourself are you hungry before you snack and make sure you are drinking atleast 1.5 - 2l of water minimum!
3) I always advise 80/20. Allow yourself a little of what you fancy don't deny yourself and end up having a weekend binge. A few squares of chocolate a day won't hinder your goals as much as having a family sized block on a friday night which then sends you spiralling for the rest of the weekend will!
If you've any questions please feel free to reach out! You've got this!😘