Hey queens, hope you enjoyed legs class!! I couldn't make the live today (gutted!!) but did the cardio abs from Sat instead. But omg it was sooo hard for me today - mentally and physically...
- poor form
- lack of clarity
- zero concentration
- negative thoughts (nasty little voice in my head saying "you're not doing it right", "you've burnt hardly any calories", "why don't you just quit"...etc etc!)
- generally distracted
Basically I felt like a failure. And I've been sat here trying to understand why I feel like it and I reckon it's poor sleep, poor diet and lack of water - all things I can control and change. I also think it's completely natural to have off days and off 'workouts'.
So I just wanted to come on here and say to you that if you get the off day or the off workout - don't worry, it'll pass. You got this.
So now I'm gonna get off my butt, drink some water and pull myself together!! 🤣😫❤️
@Katie Rynne hope your feeling better now queen! I had that feeling Fri sat and sun and iv actually put it down to low carb intake! The rest of the week I was flying so diet definitely plays a huge role in our emotions aswel as everything else! And hopefully the week picks up and we'll smash it 🥳
@Katie Rynne Aw I had that a while ago doing a Lean Legs one Monday, and for me I wasn't taking enough rest and down time, like the Sunday was supposed to be my rest day but instead I went on a 7km walk!!
Now as for that nasty voice in the head- you tell her bitch please, no matter what I showed up and I'm doing this workout; I am active and I am moving, and it may not be my best effort but I am trying and that is the main thing!!! Not every workout is going to be perfect or enjoyable, but when you power through those difficult ones they are actually the ones where you achieve most growth physically and mentally!!
Like you say- control the controllables, lash that water into ya; be proud that you got through a workout today and you started Monday strong. You got this!
Look after yourself, try not to be too hard on yourself
@Katie Rynne Aw Katie I felt a wee bit the same after this morning. My IBS has been acting up since Friday and I've not been sleeping because it's so sore and then the lack of sleep has made it worse 🤦🏻♀️😅
Hope you're feeling okay now queen, we all have days where we just feel like we could've done more but just mind yourself and tomorrow is a new day ☺️💛 I love your positivity even though you had a crap morning, mind yourself queen 👑❤️❤️
@Katie Rynne thanks for sharing this Katie, it's so true and important to realise it's okay to have off days! I think it's so great that you've recognised this though and thought about how you might be able to help yourself and you're staying positive. I love that. Keep it up queen x
@Katie Rynne Thanks for sharing and being so honest! I think we all definitely get days like this so you are not alone. I think lack of sleep is major in how you feel about yourself and how your body performs 😴.
I tend to not look at calories as I know I would start obsessing over them. I guage it by, did I move and am I sweating? That's all that really matters. The fact that you moved your body and made it through the workout even though you're feeling lousy is the main thing. It's better than if you didn't do anything at all. But sometimes when you have those days your body might be telling you just to take a day off and recharge so you can come back stronger 💪
I hope the rest of your day goes well and that you start feeling better ❤️ Try not to be so hard of yourself as you're allowed to feel off sometimes!
@Niamh Byrne Can completely empathise on the IBS flare up! This time of year is especially bad with the over indulgence over the festive period, then you end up in a horrible cycle of not sleeping because of pain and bloating which causes stress, then because you've been stressed and not had enough sleep you wake up in pain! 😫
@Amy Johnston You completely hit the nail on the head Amy! I usually lie on my tummy to sleep because it's usually the only way I can get comfy but obviously when I have a flare up that can't happen at all 🤦🏻♀️ The last few days I've been having awful pain with it and just to top it off I think I have a tummy bug now as well 😭 going to rest for the rest of the day and hopefully I'm feeling better tomorrow 🤞🏻🤞🏻
@Katie Rynne Queen you and I both, I think thats why I kept asking for reassurance from everyone hoping you enjoyed the class because I definitely had an off morning / day. I didnt stupidly take a day off over the weekend with work and so felt unbelievably exhausted with a rubbish sleep last night. But sure it happens, life isnt perfect, the workouts are not perfect, some days I feel like a pro athlete and other days I wonder did I ever workout at all I feel like a beginner. But ya know what we say QUEENS DONT QUIT. Even a crappy, which im sure you wr not, workout is better than no workout. You did it, be proud. Get a good rest this evening
@Niamh Byrne omg Niamh, since I came back from Ireland and have started eating "healthier" foods esp more greens, my tummy is like a balloon, even my sweatpants are tight. Plenty of hydration, but I agree It does make the workouts a little uncomfortable. If I wr you and could pic and choose I would probably go for the lower impact classes this week, like sweaty 7s, ballet and meditation. If your feeling ok then of course do as you wish wooop.. Hope you feel better soon and any of my other gut suffering queens
Sounds like it was same for us all today! I had a rubbish night's sleep, worrying about everything. Then was tired at work, and trying to homeschool. Then did legs workout, zero motivation, but sure I did it. Better than sitting on sofa. It was a fab workout though, those extra couple of tracks really added to last week
@Katie Rynne thank you queen for being so honest. We can feel fantastic everyday and let me tell ya I felt exact same today. Dont know if its monday thing or not enough sleep or the thoughts so home schooling this morning but my mood was awful!!!!
You are right, if we can push through, tomorrow will be a better day! @Maeve Madden cud be right, it cud be the moon affecting us!!!!!
Sending out lots of positive vibes for us all 2mro.
@Niamh Byrne IBS is not pleasant. I've suffered for years with it! I know my diet hasn't been amazing so need to make some changes but its hard queen. Some days you just need that bit of comfort! Is it ur bday on Wednesday?????
@Katie Rynne Oh darling, don't be so hard on yourself! We all have those days where we have absolutely no energy and that's okay! I had one of those days too today - although I pushed through legs day- I just felt really hot 🥵 and couldn't push as hard as I usually do. Thank you for sharing and for being so honest - you've got this Queen 💗
@Carmel Mulvany@Maeve Madden it must be the moon!!! Today wasn't my day either!! Tomorrow is a new day and we will smash combat queens 💗😘
@Niamh Byrne I hope you feel better soon 💗 IBS is a painful and very uncomfortable condition!
@Shaunagh Smith I love this 💗
Thank you Queens, so so much. You girls seriously are amazing and I appreciate so much all your messages.
Like you've all said, tomorrow is another day. We got this!!! And hey, if we don't - we don't quit, we just rest, take stock and get back on the horse!!!
I went for a walk and did my first full Barre class (what was I thinking 😳🌶) haha but it was amazing and totally pulled me out of my weird negative headspace!
Off to bed shortly to watch more Bridgerton (did I mentioned I am obsessed 🤣)
Thank you again. You Queens ROCK!!! ❤️👸😘
@Leonie Mcnulty thank you Leonie. It sucks doesn't it. Feel like such a failure and I really could have got stuck in that mindset but I tried to think about what Maeve and you Queens would say. Why is it easier when other people tell you how it is?! Anyway, can't wait for a new day!!! We got this Queen 😘
@Sharon Scully "bitch please" made me laugh out loud!!! 🤣🤣🤣 thank you Sharon! Up to 2 litres of the good stuff today!! Can't wait to wake up tomorrow fresh and hydrated. Let's get Tuesday Queen style 😘
@Niamh Byrne oh Queen, IBS can be so so debilitating, I'm so sorry. Hot water bottle any help? Thank you so so much for your message, it means the world. 👸😘