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Working from home Queens 💗 | MaeveMadden

Working from home Queens 💗

  • Hi Queens!! 💗 I hope you are smashing your week 2 goals!! I have a huge sweet tooth and there are some days since working from home that I'm constantly hungry 🙈 The colder days are the worst! I have been in Ireland nearly 4 years now and I don't think I will ever get used to the cold 🥶 Any tips for working from home snacking xx

  • @Julia Knudsen I feel you! I have a huge sweet tooth and used to have a bag of sweets beside me when on the laptop but that's changed now.

    I'm constantly sipping a pint of water and I find that really helps. For something sweet and kind of filling I'd have a chocolate covered rice cake or if I'm feeling something a little more filling I'd have some natural yogurt with frozen raspberries and I'd chop up a square or two of dark chocolate through it. If you don't like the taste of natural yogurt you can add a bit of cocoa Powder. An apple with 1.5 teaspoons of peanut butter is also really satisfying. 

  • @Aisling O'Shea When we were in the office the girls banned me from bringing treats into the office unless it was a Friday 🙈 I love natural yoghurt and berries- sometimes I add a few bits to it too 😊 I used to love the Rice cakes too - I will try them again! Thanks Queen! I generally eat healthily- well I try too- it's just the snacking and the sweet tooth! 

  • @Julia Knudsen hey Queen @Aisling O'Shea has fantastic tips I was going to suggest apple & peanut butter also. I like frozen yogurt on top of fresh fruit. Believe it or not when I'm at my worst for sweet things I just eat a few cherry tomatoes it actually distract me from my cravings. I always make sure that they r the 1st thing I see when I open my fridge & if I don't have any cherry tomatoes I'll have blueberries instead. I know I know not everyone's cup of tea but it works for me. 😊😊 Good luck doll 👑👑👑❤️❤️❤️

  • @Audrey Browne Thanks Queen! I have never been a huge fan of tomatoes but I love blueberries 😁 I think when I get a sweet craving from now on I'm going to use fruit or rice cakes as my distraction! I guess we all have to find our own little distraction! Thank you Queen 💗💗💗💗

  • @Julia Knudsen Can completely empathise with you. I have such a sweet tooth and it is so easy to find yourself in the kitchen when you're bored and procrastinating while WFH! I don't have any great advise though. I also eat yogurt and banana during the day. I allow myself sweet stuff in the evening instead. 

  • @Amy Johnston I actually moved away from the kitchen created an office set up in a separate room 🙈 It has definitely helped curb the cravings! The evenings are tough especially when you are relaxing by the fire with a good movie on. The snacks just seem to appear 😂😂

  • Girls I know the struggle. I can't seem to stay away from the fridge or treats press when working from home. Hence why I put up a lot of weight last year. Since I signed up last week I've been trying to cut out the sweet treats. Like the girls I have yogurt and fruit or apple and peanut butter is a great one. I popped some grapes in the freezer yesterday and I had them last night when I got a craving for sweets. They were actually so good. It's so hard though when WFH as the food is just always there within close range. 

  • @Julia Knudsen some great tips there from the queens, all brilliant! I find if I have a sweet craving, sometimes just adding a little bit of flavour to my water helps kick it, whether thats by adding in some lemon or orange slices, or just popping a little bit of cordial through it!

  • @Julia Knudsen absolutely have the same issue whilst WFH - I walk to the kitchen so often and just open the fridge and/or cupboard, which is why I try to not have things in the house. What seems to help me, is really dark chocolate of 80% cacao or above. I never liked before, but it does give some satisfaction of eating chocolate, but because it's quite bitter I never end up eating more than 2 squares. I also drink lots of herbal teas with extra flavouring, like green tea with elderflower or rooibos with ginger and rosemary. What I also strongly believe in (like our Queen @Maeve Madden has said before), don't restrict yourself too much as you'll end up binging. It is ok to have a few treats whilst we work so hard in the work outs!

  • @Cora Savage Those are some great changes Queen- well done 😊 it's a lot tough when WFH as it's hard to have a good food structure when it's easily accessible. 

  • @Roisin Henry great idea 😊

  • @Annique Dijkstra great idea about the dark chocolate - getting the satisfaction of chocolate and not having the urge to binge on it! I couldn't agree more - if we put in the effort with the workouts we need to treat ourselves ☺️

  • @Julia Knudsen 😂😂❤️. I've just remembered another idea doll. Have u ever heard of Hartleys jelly Crystal's?? They r low cal jelly but in powder form. Well if u can get a few packs of them. Get some seedless grapes put them in a bowl & sprinkle with the jelly crystals make sure to cover all of the grapes. Place in a freezer bag pop into freezer. Pick & nibble when u have cravings. 👑👑👑❤️❤️❤️

  • @Julia Knudsen I'm the exact same when I'm doing college work from home 😅 I try to go with things like grapes, orange segments and nuts that I can constantly pick at if you know what I mean? So I try and spread them out just picking at them whenever I feel like munching on something 🙌🏻 Kind of like what@Audrey Browne and@Cora Savage said, I've heard that red grapes out of the freezer are nice and apparently taste somewhat like sour patch kids! I haven't tried it but I'm very curious about it 😂 Try to go easy on yourself queen! It's so hard to not snack especially when it's cold 🥶

  • @Audrey Browne oh my word doll that sounds delicious! It's funny (you are going to laugh at this)because when I first came to Ireland and saw that jelly came in a solid form that had to be melted , I thought that was the actual jelly 🙈😂 I'm definitely going to look out for the powder form! Thank you x

  • @Niamh Byrne Queen the snacking can be unreal 🙈🙈 I'm really curious too about the frozen grapes so I will definitely try that next week along with the other suggestions - thanks Girls - you are the best 💗💗

  • @Julia Knudsen Hey Julia, omg I used to be a major snacker and grazer in the evenings and I felt that when I started eating bigger meals I was just full until next meal time and my sugar levels didnt crash.  I always have a really big breakfast, oats, berries eggs, or avoacdo toast eggs, and a side of berries sometimes a little yogurt and then im grand until lunch then dinner.  So instead of maybe sacrificing real food in your main meals, and ending up hungry before the next main meal, its best to ensure your main meals are balanced which should inturn stop the snacking.  But if you are feeling peckish, firstly ask yourself am I bored or hungry, example, if I think oooo I want a snack ill make something healthy and then im like naaa I want a cookie, im not really hungry prob just bored.  Of course I do have chocolate, crisps etc in the house which I only have in the evening if im snacking, your lifestyle should be balanced , so I hope this helps and maybe try having a little more food in your main meals and see if that curbs your hunger.. Hydration station, keep that water bottle filled remember dehydration and hunger feel the same

  • @Maeve Madden Hii Queen 💗 I didn't even think about that - but it makes so much sense to eat more at meal time, I guess we are always conscious on our portion sizes. It probably is just boredom eating or stress eating or "thinking eating" when I'm lost in thought! 😂🤣 Thank you hun these are great tips and I will definitely think twice before I'm mindlessly snacking x

  • @Julia Knudsen I only worked from home for the 1st lockdown but i was stationed In the kitchen 😂😂 I set myself a time for a treat - so I'd have lunch at say 12/1 and probably at 3 I'd take 10 mins away from work, boil the kettle have the treat and then back to work! Would have a treat then after dinner later in the eve and I found setting that time aside gave me something to focus on! And I sooooo looked forward to it 😂😂 it sounds daft but give it a go! If it is hunger rather than craving try upping your protein with your meals that will fill you for longer too 🤗 


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