Hi ladies
I hope everyone had a lovely weekend (all things considered at the moment!)
I'm struggling today (partly as I haven't done today's workout yet as had meetings!) but I did take my photos and measurements, and I'm feeling pretty disheartened at the lack of progress. I've been doing around 9 of the classes a week and giving them my all (and yes I am single with no kids and back living with my parents, can you tell?!?!), walking over 25kms a week (usally around 4km a day and then once a week do one longer walk) and running a 5km once a week, as well as yoga twice a week. Have cut back on my drinking and snacks, and my meals are in general pretty good. I know I could probably do more there but life is tough enough at the moment haha (and I guess I have to accept that this is partly behind the lack of progress).
I would never ever begrudge anyone their wonderful progress, and I am the biggest cheerleader for anyone who shares it and do be genuinly thrilled, but sometimes it can be so so hard not to compare and to feel so disappointed in myself, especially with the level of effort I am putting in!
Anyways, I know will move on past it- will just get on with it as I do the workouts for strength, fitness and endorphins, I walk as it's the only way to spend time with my sisters and I love the fresh air and outdoors, and I love my weekly 5km with my sister, so it won't be putting me off my activities. And as I advocate- it's about the journey not the end result, and I am (mostly!) loving the journey